- When seeing IS believing (2008/10/11)
- 自然現象としてのカウンターナレッジ選好 (2009/08/26)
- 否定論とコントロールの回復 (2010/06/13)
これらと関連する研究論文が最近Journal of Experimental Social Psychologyに掲載された。
==>Bastiaan T. Rutjens, Joop van der Pligt, Frenk van Harreveld: "Deus or Darwin: Randomness and belief in theories about the origin of life", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2010, Pages 1078-1080
Participants were randomly assigned to a control-threat or nothreat condition. Control was manipulated by a bipartite task: first, participants were asked to recall an unpleasant situation over which they had or lacked control, and to subsequently summarize this event in 50-100 words. Next, they were asked to provide three reasons supporting the notion that the future is (un-) controllable.そして、58名がダーウィン進化論(TE)とインテリジェントデザイン(ID)の説明文を見せられて、41名がダーウィン進化論(TE)とConway Morrisの進化論(CMTE)の説明文を見せられて、38名がConway Morrisの進化論(CMTE)とインテリジェントデザイン(ID)の説明文を見せられて、どちらが地球の生命の起源の説明について適切なフレームワークか選択させられた。

- 進化論 vs インテリジェントデザインは、インテリジェントデザインのちょっと勝利、
- Conway Morris進化論 vs インテリジェントデザイン vs 進化論は、インテリジェントデザインのそれなり勝利、
- 進化論 vs Conway Morris進化論は、 Conway Morris進化論のちょっと勝利。
- 進化論 vs インテリジェントデザインは、インテリジェントデザインのかなり勝利、
- Conway Morris進化論 vs インテリジェントデザイン vs 進化論は、インテリジェントデザインのそれなり勝利、
- 進化論 vs Conway Morris進化論は、 Conway Morris進化論の圧倒的勝利。
「コントロールの回復」を求めて「進化論より、Conway Morris進化論あるいはインテリジェントデザインへ流れた」らしい。
[Jesse Preston and Nicholas Epley: "Science and God: An automatic opposition between ultimate explanations", J. Experimental Soc. Psychology, 45, 238–241, 2009.]人が何を正しいと考え、何を信じるのかというのは、本人にとっては重大に思えても、実際にはこの程度で変化するものらしい。
Science and religion have come into conflict repeatedly throughout history, and one simple reason for this is the two offer competing explanations for many of the same phenomena. We present evidence that the conflict between these two concepts can occur automatically, such that increasing the perceived value of one decreases the automatic evaluation of the other. In Experiment 1, scientific theories described as poor explanations decreased automatic evaluations of science, but simultaneously increased automatic evaluations of God. In Experiment 2, using God as an explanation increased automatic evaluations of God, but decreased automatic evaluations of science. Religion and science both have the potential to be ultimate explanations, and these findings suggest that this competition for explanatory space can create an automatic opposition in evaluations.
Darwin's Theory of Evolution (TE):
Evolutionary theory posits that the way our world and the universe work springs from evolution; a process in which inheritance, procreation, and natural selection play an important role. Natural selection, the basis of this theory, is generally an unstructured and random process in which unpredictable features of the natural environment determine how life evolves. A wide array of circumstances determines how life evolves, and coincidence plays a large part in this process.
Intelligent Design (ID):
Intelligent Design theory posits that the way our world and the universe work can be best explained as the result of the efforts of a higher power (for example God), who designed our world and exerts control over it. Contrary to evolutionary theory, which explains life on our planet as the results of random processes, ID theory posits that, given the complexity of our planet, its design requires an external agent.
Conway Morris' version of evolutionary theory (CMTE)
A recently introduced version of evolutionary theory has been developed from the basic assumption of ‘converging evolution.’ According to this principle, life on our planet is not the result of random processes: if evolution would be replayed, results would inevitably be similar to the present state of affairs. The course of evolution follows certain paths and is therefore best described as a mechanism that is bound to have specific structural characteristics.