

"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリ"Answers in Genesisを主宰するKen Hamは、進化論と創造論の戦いを、神の言葉の権威をめぐるものだと描写する。
The battle is not one of young earth vs. old earth, or billions of years vs. six days, or creation vs. evolution−the real battle is the authority of the Word of God vs. man’s fallible opinions.

Why do Christians believe in the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ? Because of the words of Scripture (“according to the Scriptures”).

And why should Christians believe in the six literal days of creation? Because of the words of Scripture (“In six days the Lord made ...”).

The real issue is one of authority−is God’s Word the authority, or is man’s word the authority? So, couldn’t God have used evolution to create? The answer is No. A belief in millions of years of evolution not only contradicts the clear teaching of Genesis and the rest of Scripture but also impugns the character of God. He told us in the book of Genesis that He created the whole universe and everything in it in six days by His word: “Then God said ... .” His Word is the evidence of how and when God created, and His Word is incredibly clear.





[Ken Ham: "Couldn’t God Have Used Evolution?"]

しかし、この主張はあっさり、自らに降りかかってくる。地球中心説を主張する団体Association for Biblical Astronomyを主宰するGerardus Dingeman Bouwを取り上げた、Daniel Radosは次のように指摘する。
Mainstream creationists (if I may be allowed the term) argue that the seemingly geocentric passages are merely God using the “language of appearance,” or divinely-inspired men speaking from a human perspective. This is the liberal tendency that makes geocentrists apoplectic. “Phenomenological or anthropocentric,” sniffs Bouw:

メインストリームの創造論者は、地球中心と読める記述は、神が「見かけについて語った」あるいは「神のよってインスパイヤされた人間が、人間の見方から語った」のだと論じる。このようなリベラルな傾向は、地球中心説論者を怒り狂わせる。"Phenomenological or anthropocentric"でBouwは次のように、あしらう。
either God inerrently inspired the wording or He did not; either the Bible is trustworthy or it is not. There is no middle ground. There is no room for compromise. After all, both the anthropocentric theory of inspiration and the phenomenological-language theory are forms of accommodation where God is said to accommodate his wording to the understanding of the common man. Good though that may sound on the surface, accommodation still maintains that God goes along with the accepted story even though he really does not believe it.

It does not help when, for instance, the Answers in Genesis web site caps its dismissal of geocentrism with the observation that “the question of the earth’s physical position is less important than the spiritual reality of God's love for his people” − precisely what Christians who accept evolution say about the physical creation of man. “It’s inconsistent,” Bouw told me. “you can’t say that one part of it is more credible than another part just simply because you feel uncomfortable with what it says there.”

たとえばAnswers in Genesisは、地球中心説を観測とともに否定する記事を載せて、「地球の物理的位置の問題は、神が人間を愛するというすぴるちゅあるな事実よるは重要ではない」と語る。これはまさしく、進化論を受け入れるキリスト教徒たちが、物理的創造論者について語る言葉なのだ。Bouwは私にこう言った「それは矛盾している。書かれていることが不快だという理由で、聖書のある部分が、他の部分より信用できるとは言えない」
[DANIEL RADOSH: "Man in the Middle: An Exclusive Cut Excerpt from Rapture Ready!" (2010/10/02) on The Nervous BreakDown]この地球中心説論者Bouwの主張は論理的には正しい。


[第2巻第9章20 p.53

[アウグスティヌス (著), 片柳 栄一 (翻訳):アウグスティヌス著作集 第16巻 創世記注解, 教文館,1994 ]

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