

メイン州Auburn-Lewistonの地方紙SunJournalによれば、2010年メイン州知事候補(共和党1, 民主党1, 他4)たちのうち、共和党候補Paul LePageのみが、創造論を公立学校で教えてもよいようなことを言っている。
  • Libby Mitchell, 70, Democrat (民主党)

    Mitchell said creationism is an appropriate discussion in church, but not in the public school system.

    "There's no scientific evidence to support (creationism)," she said.


  • Paul LePage, 61, Republican 共和党

    LePage's stance on creationism has generated the most controversy.

    His position has become more ambiguous since he stated he would support a local school board adding creationism to its curriculum during a debate before the Republican primary.


    "Whether it should be taught in school or not is not my decision," he said recently. "I'm not running for school board and I'm not running for pope, and I'm not running for commissioner of education. I'm running for governor. My feeling is creationism is something that should be taught in philosophy, evolution and science. Now whether it should be taught in school or not, it's not mine to decide."

    He added, "Knowledge is power. The more they know, the better decisions they make in life."

    LePage noted that creationism wasn't high on his agenda.


[Steve Mistler: "Governor's race 2010: Creationism in public schools" (2010/10/19) on SunJournal (Auburn-Lewiston, Maine)]
また、Chicago SunTimesによれば、共和党イリノイ州知事候補Bill Bradyは、学区レベルでの創造論教育を行う決定を阻止しない立場を表明している。
GOP gubernatorial hopeful Bill Brady said Tuesday he would not stand in the way of a public school board should it want to teach creationism.

“I believe knowledge is power, and I believe local school districts should establish the curriculum when it comes to those things,” Brady told the Chicago Sun-Times editorial board in a wide-ranging interview session with running mate Jason Plummer.


Brady was asked repeatedly about his personal views on intelligent design.

“My knowledge and my faith leads me to believe in both evolution and creationism,” he said. “I believe God created the earth, and it evolved.”

共和党イリノイ州知事候補Bill Brandyは火曜日(2010/10/05)に「創造論を教えることを求める公立学校教育委員会を阻止しないと述べた。

「私は知識は力だと考えている。地域学区がこれに見合うカリキュラムを決定すべきと考えている」と、Chicago Sun-Times編集部との、副知事候補Jason Plummerをまじえたインタビューで述べた。



[Davi McKinney: "Brady OK with schools opting to teach creationism" (2010/10/05) on Chicago SunTimes]

ただ、全米の報道機関が勢い良く報道するのは、憲法修正第1条は政教分離を定めていないと言うデラウェア州共和党連邦上院議員候補Christine O'Donnellのような目立つ発言をした人だけ。Paul LePageやBill Bradyだと、連日取り上げられるわけではない。

posted by Kumicit at 2010/10/22 07:10 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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