

哲学者Soberの哲学の論文に対して、さっそくインテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William DembskiのブログUncommon Descentで、Dembskiと仲間たちが反論している。



2006年4月16日付けのエントリ「Deconstructing Sober
」で、DaveScotは、Soberが提示した最小インテリジェントデザイン理論が超自然インテリジェントデザイナーの存在を結論する8ステップの論理パターンそのものに斬りこんでいる。斬りこむべき対象は、「E) 命題Pは、超自然的存在の存在について、今、含意を持つのは、以下の条件を満たす補助仮定Aが存在するときのみ」という規準(E)なのだが。


2. Some of the minds found in nature are irreducibly complex. (自然界に見つかる心のうちいくつかは還元不可能な複雑さを持つ)

We only have one mind to examine in nature and we don't know what causes it to exist. Therefore we cannot say that it is irreducibly complex. Given 2 is a false premise and is Sober's first flaw.


よくわからない反論である。"Some of"つまりは1個でも還元不可能な心が存在すればいいというのがSober命題2なのだ。原因(Cause)を知っているかどうかは関係がない。というか、"還元不可能な複雑さ"が原因(Cause)に依存して判断されるべきものだという主張は、インテリジェントデザイン理論のなかには存在しない。反論あわてすぎなDaveScotである。

4. Any mind in nature that designs and builds an irreducibly complex system is itself irreducibly complex. (還元不可能な複雑さ持つシステムをデザインし構築する、自然界にある心は、それ自体が還元不可能な複雑さ持つ)

We have no idea how many minds exist in nature much less whether they are all necessarily irreducibly complex. Another false premise given by Sober and his third flaw.

これもよくわからない反論だ。何が言いたいのかわからない。「還元不可能な複雑さを持つシステムを、還元不可能な複雑さを持たないものがデザインする」と、普通に「突然変異による自然淘汰」という"Unguided, Undirected, Blind"過程でも還元不可能な複雑さを創れることになりそうだが。

6. The universe is finitely old.(宇宙の年齢は有限である)

No one knows if the universe is finitely old as physics has no means of describing what came before a singularity known as the big bang nor does physics have a means of describing what if anything existed outside the singularity. This is why we speak of an “observable” universe. The observable universe appears to have a finite age but there is no way of knowing what, if anything, is beyond the bounds of the observable. Sober lacks a basic understanding of the limits of physics in describing the universe. This is flaw number five.

これはこれでいんだが、あまり方法論的自然主義の及ぶ範囲を拡大してしまうと、宇宙バージョンであるファインチューニング論とバッティングしてしまうと思うが....。というか、Dr.Michael Beheがビッグバンも超自然ではないかと言って、インテリジェントデザイン理論が超自然に言及することが科学でないということにはならないと主張していたのだが[Behe 2006]。

7. Causes precede their effects.(原因は結果に先行する)

This is also something physics does not unambiguously demonstrate. It is not demonstrated by any means that the observable universe is deterministic. There is a wide belief among quantum physicists that quantum uncertainty is real and not just an artifact of incomplete knowledge. If quantum uncertainty is real and quantum events influence macroscopic events then effects can exist without cause. This is Sober’s sixth flaw.




==>方法論的自然主義の拒絶に転換した?インテリジェントデザイン [2006年03月28日]


2006年4月17日付けのDaveScotのエントリ「Sober and Irreducible Complexityでも、「心は還元不可能な複雑さを持つ」にこだわる。これをなんとか始末しようとして:
Sober predicts an intelligent agency that created the irreducibly complex structures in nature must itself be irreducibly complex. Can someone tell me how to go about removing bits of the structure of this irreducibly complex intelligence to see if it is indeed irreducibly complex? If no one can then Sober’s hypothesis is untestable, unfalsifiable pseudo-science. It doesn’t pass muster even as philosophy as demonstrated by my previous analysis and it certainly doesn’t qualify as science when its hypothetical conclusion can’t be tested in any conceivable way.



2006年4月17日付けのDr. William Dembskiのエントリ「Sober's "Progenic Fallacy"で、同僚の言葉としてSoberの間違いとして4点を挙げる。

First, ID’s denial of it being religious does not rest on the fact that it does not specify the identity of the designer, but rather, the identity of the designer is irrelevant to the detection of design.


Second, suppose someone in fact makes the argument that because nature cannot account for its own design, then only that which is outside of nature can do so. It seems to me that Sober’s rejection or acceptance of the argument should depend on its soundness or strength and not on its “religiosity.” Bringing in an argument’s religiosity as a reason to dismiss it seems to be a reversal of the genetic fallacy. We can call this fallacy, the progenic fallacy, the rejection of an argument because one finds its consequences undesireable (its “progeny,” so to speak), rather than based on its actual strength as an argument.



Third, unless ID necessarily entails God’s existence, the ID advocate can still pull a “Judge Jones” on Sober: ID is not necessarily inconsistent with God’s non-existence.


Fourth, if the Darwinian theory of evolution is neutral on the question of whether supernatural designers exist, then supernatural designers have no explanatory in accounting for the evolution of life. But that’s NOT a neutral position: it is making the epistemological claim that supernatural designers can never be objects of knowledge that may count against the deliverances of “science.” On the other hand, if such beings could be the objects of knowledge, then Darwinian evolution is presently agnostic, not neutral, on the question. In other words, it is possible that some future account may rule in or rule out supernatural agency.






posted by Kumicit at 2006/04/18 03:05 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Dembski | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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