Naturalism (philosophy)とまっとうな記述で、わかりやすい。
Naturalism is any of several philosophical stances, typically those descended from materialism and pragmatism, that do not distinguish the supernatural from nature. Naturalism does not claim that phenomena or hypotheses commonly labeled as supernatural necessarily do not exist or are wrong, but insists that they are not inherently different from natural phenomena or hypotheses, and that all phenomena and hypotheses can be studied by the same methods.
Any method of inquiry or investigation or any procedure for gaining knowledge that limits itself to natural, physical, and material approaches and explanations can be described as naturalistic.
Distinctions are sometimes made between two approaches, the first being methodological naturalism or scientific naturalism, and the second ontological naturalism or metaphysical naturalism. The first approach underlies the application of the scientific method in science, which makes the methodological assumption that observable events in nature are explained only by natural causes without assuming the existence or non-existence of the supernatural, and hence does not accept supernatural explanations. The second approach refers to the metaphysical assumption that the natural world (including the universe) is all that exists.
This distinction between approaches to the philosophy of naturalism is particularly made by those supporting science and evolution in the creation-evolution controversy. Some proponents of Creationism or intelligent design refer to methodological naturalism as scientific materialism or as methodological materialism which they conflate with ontological naturalism in contrast to their preferred approach of a revived natural philosophy which welcomes supernatural explanations for natural phenomena.
Methodological naturalism versus ontological naturalism
方法論的自然主義 対 存在論的自然主義
There is a distinct difference between an ontological approach to naturalism and a methodological assumption of naturalism. Ontology is a matter of whether something exists, while methodology relates to the accepted practical procedures used in science.
Ontological naturalism is sometimes called "metaphysical naturalism". Ontological naturalism is the view that the supernatural does not exist, and strong atheism is an example of ontological naturalism concerning the existence of gods.
In contrast, methodological naturalism is the more limited view that the supernatural can't be used in scientific methods. Many philosophers of science consider that a basic requirement of scientific investigation is that it must be empirically testable, which effectively limits it to studying and explaining the natural world. Naturalism of this sort says nothing about the existence or nonexistence of the supernatural which by definition is beyond natural testing. Its rejection is thus a practical matter, so it is possible to be a methodological naturalist and an ontological supernaturalist at the same time. For example, while natural scientists follow methodological naturalism in their scientific work, they may also believe in God (ontological supernaturalism), or they may be atheist (ontological naturalism).
This position does not preclude knowledge that derives from the study of what is hitherto considered supernatural, but if such a phenomenon can be scientifically examined and explained naturally, it then ceases to be supernatural. However, others (methodological supernaturalists) argue that such a position is inherently inconsistent. They ask, how can science presuppose what is discoverable before it has been discovered? What is immeasurable is untestable, until a measuring device is invented and a new discovery process enabled. But in order to be allowed by scientific orthodoxy to discover and invent new ways of testing reality, one must be allowed to engage in scientific pursuits of what is considered unscientific (but then, as stated, the 'unscientific' becomes scientific, if it's true). Otherwise, knowledge is limited not as much as by religious dogmas, but by materialistic paradigms. This position is taken by creationists such as the Institute for Creation Research and the Creation Science, whose website claims that methodological naturalism limits science by not invoking the supernatural, and that "methodological naturalism cannot be justified as a normative principle for all types of science – without doing violence to science as a truth-seeking enterprise" [1].
このポジションは、これまで超自然と考えられてきたことについての研究に由来する知識を排除しない。しかし、そのような現象が科学的に検証され、自然的に説明されたなら、それはもはや超自然ではなくなる。しかしながら、方法論的超自然主義者などは、そのようなポジションは本質的に矛盾していると主張する。科学はいかにして、発見される前に発見可能であると予め推定できるのかと問う。測定装置が発明されて新しい発見プロセスが可能となるまで、測定不可能なものは検証不可能である。しかし、科学的正統性において真実性を検証する新しい方法を発見・発明するためには、非科学的だと考えられるもの(しかし、それが真であるなら、非科学的なものは科学的になる)に対して科学的追求に関与しなければならない。そうでないと、知識は宗教的な教義ではなく、唯物論的パラダイムによって制限される。このポジションは、ウェブサイトにおいて方法論的自然主義が超自然に訴えないことで科学を制限し、「方法論的自然主義があらゆるタイプの科学に対して、真実を探求する科学界を破壊しない限り、規範的原則として正当化されえない。」と主張するInstitute for Creation ResearchやCreation Scienceなどの創造論者たちの立場である[1]。
Supporters of the scientific method defend methodological naturalism, describing it as "effective, powerful"[2], "promoting successful investigation"[3], and "an essential aspect of ... the study of the natural universe"[4]. They also view the history of science as showing "a progression from supernaturalism to naturalism"[5]. These supporters consider the creationist alternative as "positively ineffective and counter-productive, ... in attempts to understand the natural world"[2].
This question was given detailed attention during the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial in 2005, and in his memorandum of findings United States federal court judge John E. Jones III concluded that "Methodological naturalism is a 'ground rule' of science today". This ruling sets a federal district judicial precedent in the context of legal restrictions on the teaching of religion in U.S. schools, and more broadly the memorandum sets out an impartial assessment of the evidence and arguments relating to the use in science of methodological naturalism as against supernatural explanations.
この問題は2005年のKitzmiller対Dover校区裁判で詳細な注意が払われ、米国連邦裁判所John E. Jones III判事は彼の覚書において方法論的自然主義が現代科学の基本的ルールだと結論した。この判決は、米国の公立学校で宗教を教えることを法的に制限するという連邦地裁判例となる。超自然の説明に対して、方法論的自然主義が科学で使われることに関する証拠と議論の公平な調査を述べている。
[1] Stephen C. Meyer: "Open Debate on Life’s Origins", 1994
[3] Keith Augustine: Naturalism
[4] Lawrence Lerner: "Methodological Naturalism vs Ontological or Philosophical Naturalism"
[5] Mark I. Vuletic: "Methodological Naturalism and the Supernatural", 1997
そして、批判パートは基本的にはAlvin Plantinga先生の主張のようである:
Criticism of naturalism
Critics of naturalism claim that the possibility of supernatural action is unnecessarily excluded by the current practices and theories of science. Currently, proponents of intelligent design, those who hold that certain features of the natural world are best explained as the results of intelligence, argue that the naturalist conception of reality is not needed in order to do science. The general criticism is that insisting that the natural world is a closed system of inviolable laws independent of theism or supernatural intervention will cause science to come to incorrect conclusions and inappropriately exclude research that claims to include such ideas.
The debate over naturalism is alive and complex, because it concerns how narrowly or broadly nature should be defined. How open it is to what is accepted as scientific is precisely the issue that concerns just how naturalism is to be interpreted. Theism and atheism are often the two liveliest philosophies that discuss these matters in delineating the content of reality.
Contemporary philosopher Alvin Plantinga has argued that evolutionary naturalism is incoherent.
現代の哲学者Alvin Plantingaは、進化の自然主義が首尾一貫しないと主張した。
"Scientific materialism"
Scientific materialism or methodological materialism are interchangeable dysphemisms for methodological naturalism (sometimes: scientific naturalism). The term is used to imply that scientists collude to force a materialist (or rationalist) worldview onto people.
The term is usually only used by critics of the scientific discipline, such as the proponents of intelligent design or creationism who make the teleological assumption of purpose or meaning in nature, and want science to be redefined to accept supernatural explanations of natural phenomena.この用語は、通常は科学的規律の批判者、たとえば自然界における目的や意味についての目的論的仮定を求めるインテリジェントデザインや創造論の支持者のみが使う。
The term has become somewhat more common, as laymen are introduced to the creation---evolution controversy through the Discovery Institute's framing of the language. Philosophers and scientists never use the term, because it is vaguely defined. Since it conflicts with established language in an already-complex philosophical topic, it introduces confusion. It is intended to introduce the ambiguity and negative connotations relevant to creationist criticisms of naturalism.
Discovery Instituteによるフレーミングによって、進化論対創造論の論争において一般人に知られるようになって、少し一般的用語になっている。それがあいまいに定義されているので、哲学者と科学者は決してこの用語を使わない。それがすでに複雑な哲学の話題で確立した言語と衝突するので、それは混乱を起こす。それは、創造論者の自然主義批判に関連する曖昧さと否定的な響きを導入することを目的としている。
「科学的唯物論」がDiscovery Instituteによるフレーミング用語であるという締めくくり。