
文字通り"Breast Ironing"

アフリカ中部にあるカメルーン共和国には"Breast Ironing"という風習がある。文字通り、自分の娘の胸に焼いた石を押し当てるというものだ。それは、しかもウィッチハンティングや懲罰行為などではない。
The brutal Cameroonian practice -- which we've written about before -- is the focus of a chilling Current video report, which you'll find below. A hot stone is pressed against a young girl's chest or an object is used to beat the tissue, all in hopes of preventing breasts from developing and attracting men's advances. As is often the case with rituals that do permanent harm to girls' bodies (think: female genital mutilation), it's meant to protect girls -- from sexual assault and the threat of underage pregnancy, which is on the rise in Cameroon.


[Tracy Clark-Flory:"Breast ironing: Today in depressing" (2010/07/22) on Salon]

2006年には、この"Breast Ironing"をやめようという運動があった。
A nationwide campaign is under way in Cameroon to discourage the widespread practice of "breast ironing"

[Randy Joe Sa'ah: "Cameroon girls battle 'breast ironing'" (2006/06/23) on BBC]
しかし、それは実を結ぶことはなく、今も、"Breast Ironing"は続けられている。我が子への愛の故に。
To understand what would drive a mother to press a hot stone into her daughter's chest, I talked to local women, girls, physicians and community organizers. Despite the pain and fear, many of the women and girls involved in breast ironing considered it a normal treatment for early breast development. Mothers told me they forcibly try to eliminate signs of puberty to protect their preteen girls from HIV and pregnancy. One mother explained that she did it out of love.

[Jamie Rich: "Breast ironing, a painful practice for Cameroon's girls" (2010/03/04) on Washington Post]

posted by Kumicit at 2010/11/19 00:43 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Others | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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