

boobとはオッパイのことである。boob jobとは豊胸手術のことであり、本日のネタ、Rodial Limitedの「ぬるとオッパイが大きくなる」と宣伝されているクリームのことである。

このBoob Jobの製造元であるRodialが英国の著名な形成外科医Dalia Nieldを名誉棄損で訴えた。
A prominent British plastic surgeon has been threatened with a libel action by the manufacturer of a cosmetic cream because she publicly questioned, in a newspaper article, whether it worked as the company claimed.

Rodial Limited claims that its £125 Boob Job cream can increase a woman's breast size, if applied regularly, by up to 8.4%. According to the company's website, Boob Job works "with your natural fat cells. As the fat cells move around the body after eating, boob job 'blocks' the fat into the area where the product has been applied, so the bust and décolleté areas. You will see a gradual increase in cup size within 56 days as well as gaining an instant lifting and firming effect."

Dalia Nield of The London Clinic was quoted in the Daily Mail as saying it was "highly unlikely" that the Boob Job cream could do what it claimed. She said that the company had not provided details of the tests carried out on the cream and that if its claims on moving fat cells were true, then the product could be dangerous


Rodial Limitedは125£のBoob Jobを定期的に使えば、女性のオッパイの大きさを最大8.4%大きくできると主張している。この製造業者のウェブサイトによれば、Boob Jobは「あなたの天然脂肪細胞」とともに働くという。「食後に体の周囲を移動する脂肪細胞を、Boob Jobは塗られた場所でブロックする。すなわち、オッパイと谷間である。あなたは直後にオッパイが持ち上がるのを感じるとともに、56日以内に次第にカップサイズが大きくなるのを見るだろう。

London ClinicのDalia NieldはDaily Mailの記事で「Boob Jobが主張されているようなことができるとは、ほとんど考えられない。クリームについて行われた治験の詳細を明らかにしておらず、もし脂肪細胞が主張どおりに本当に動くなら、この商品は危険かもしれない。」と述べた。

[Alok Jha: "Cosmetic surgeon may be sued for daring to question 'Boob Job' cream" (2010/11/11) on The Guardian]
名誉棄損の対象となったとされるタブロイド紙Daily Mailの記事はこっち:
Dalia Nield, a consultant plastic surgeon at the London Clinic, said it was ‘highly unlikely’ the cream would increase a woman’s bust size and questioned the amount of information provided by Rodial.

She said: ‘Similar products have not worked in the past.

‘The manufacturers are not giving us any information on tests they have carried out. They are not telling us the exact ingredients in the product and how they increase the size of the breast.’
The doctor even claimed the gel could be ‘potentially dangerous’.

‘It may even harm the skin and the breasts – we need a full analysis,’ she added.

London Clinicの形成外科医長であるDalia Nieldは「クリームで女性のバストサイズが大きくなるのは、ほとんどありそうにない」と述べて、Rodial社の提示する情報に疑問を呈した。


[Boob job in a bottle: The £125 gel that says it'll make you a half-cup size bigger (2010/09/30) on Daily Mail]
Dalia Nield形成外科医長が指摘するように、実際に、Rodial Limitedは脂肪細胞が動くと主張している。
Rodial Boob Job Formula is 100% paraben-free, and works efficiently, gently and naturally to increase your bust without the pain or cost of surgery. Rodial Boob Job Formula uses a root-derived phytosterol that is free of hormonal activity. This phytosterol ''catches'' the fat cells that move through your body after eating. The fat cells build up where Rodial Boob Job Formula is applied, resulting in a gradual increase in breast cup size. In addition to phytosterol, Rodial Boob Job Formula is formulated with myrrh extract, pentapeptide, wheat protein and pomegranate to smooth fine lines, condition and firm the skin and protect with powerful antioxidants.

[Boob job]
このような怪しい主張についてツッコミを入れられないように、Rodial Limitedは、Dalia Nieldを名誉棄損で訴えた。

Nield's is the latest in a series of cases highlighted by the Libel Reform Campaign of scientists and medics being sued by companies for expressing their expert opinions. Singh was sued for pointing out the lack of evidence for the efficacy of chiropractic in the treatment of some infant disorders. Consultant cardiologist Peter Wilmshurst is being sued by NMT Medical for speaking about data from a clinical trial of a medical device. Guardian columnist and medical doctor, Ben Goldacre, was sued by a vitamin manufacturer for questioning claims that its products could treat HIV/Aids.

Nieldの例は、科学者や医療関係者による"The Libel Reform Campaign"(英国名誉棄損法改正運動)で大きく取り上げられた一連の、専門家としての意見が名誉棄損で訴えられた裁判事例の最新例である。いくつかの乳児疾患治療についてのカイロプラクティックの効果の証拠が存在しないことを指摘して、Simon Singhが訴えられた。心臓医長Peter Wilmshurstは医療器械の臨床試験のデータについて話したことでNMT Medicalによって訴えられた。Guardianのコラムニストで医学博士であるBen Goldacreは、HIV/AIDS治療に効くという主張に疑問を呈したことでビタミン製造業者から訴えられた。

[Alok Jha: "Cosmetic surgeon may be sued for daring to question 'Boob Job' cream" (2010/11/11) on The Guardian]

そして、この動きを後押しすべく"The Libel Reform Campaign"の署名を、Simon Singhが呼びかけている。

==>英国の名誉棄損法改正の請願の署名を呼び掛けるSimon Singh (2010/11/12)

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