

"若い地球の創造論"の最もアクティブなサイトであるKen Ham主宰のAnswers in Genesis(AiG)のページにある「Arguments we think creationists should NOT use(創造論者が使ってはいけない論)」から、「疑わしいので、使わないほうがいい」にリストアップされている1件を紹介:

Natural selection as tautology.’ Natural selection is in one sense a tautology (i.e., Who are the fittest? Those who survive/leave the most offspring. Who survive/leave the most offspring? The fittest.). But a lot of this is semantic word-play, and depends on how the matter is defined, and for what purpose the definition is raised. There are many areas of life in which circularity and truth go hand in hand (e.g. What is electric charge? That quality of matter on which an electric field acts. What is an electric field? A region in space that exerts a force on electric charge. But no one would claim that the theory of electricity is thereby invalid and can’t explain how motors work.) --- it is only that circularity cannot be used as independent proof of something. To harp on the issue of tautology can become misleading, if the impression is given that something tautological therefore doesn’t happen. Of course the environment can ‘select’, just as human breeders select. Of course demonstrating this doesn’t mean that fish could turn into philosophers by this means --- the real issue is the nature of the variation, the information problem. Arguments about tautology distract attention from the real weakness of neo-Darwinism -- the source of the new information required. Given an appropriate source of variation (for example, an abundance of created genetic information with the capacity for Mendelian recombination), replicating populations of organisms would be expected to be capable of some adaptation to a given environment, and this has been demonstrated amply in practice.

Natural selection is also a useful explanatory tool in creationist modelling of post-Flood radiation with speciation

自然淘汰はある意味ではトートロジーである(すなわち、誰が最も適応しているか?生き延びた/子孫を多く残したものである。 誰が生き延び/子孫を多く残すのか?最も適応したものだ。)しかし、これの多くは、意味論的な言葉のやりとりであって、問題がどのように定められるか、そして、定義が何の目的で上がるか次第である。循環論法と真実が手をつなぐようになる多くの分野が世の中にはある(例えば、電荷とは何か?電界が働く物質の性質。電界とは何か?電荷に対して働く空間領域。しかし、誰も、電磁気学が無効で、モーターがなぜ動くか説明できないとは主張しない。)-- 循環論法を何かの独立した証明として使ってはいけないというだけのことである。何かがトートロジーであれば、それは起こらないという印象を与えるなら、トートロジーの問題はミスリーディングである。もちろん、人間のブリーダーが選択するように、環境も選択できる。それはもちろん、魚が哲学者に変わりうることを意味しない。--- 真の問題は変化の特性、すなわち情報の問題である。トートロジーについての議論は、ネオダーウィニズムの本当の弱点--新しい情報の源が必要だという点--から注意をそらすことにつながる。適切な変化の源泉が与えられれば(たとえば、メンデルの組み換えに対するキャパシティによる、創造された遺伝情報の豊富さ)、生物の再生産により、与えられた環境への適応性が期待できる。そして、これは実際には十二分に示されている。


反進化論の定番「自然淘汰はトートロジー」に対して、電荷と電界というトートロジーの例を持ち出して、適切に批判している。いつもながら、Ken Hamと仲間たちの説明の巧さは見事だ。


Darwin’s finches(ダーウィンのフィンチ)〜Evidence supporting rapid post-Flood adaptation(ノアの洪水後の急速な適応を支持する証拠
Thirteen species of finches live on the Galápagos, the famous island group visited by Charles Darwin in the 1830s. The finches have a variety of bill shapes and sizes, all suited to their varying diets and lifestyles. The explanation given by Darwin was that they are all the offspring of an original pair of finches, and that natural selection is responsible for the differences.


Surprisingly to some, this is the explanation now held by most modern creationists. It would not need to be an ‘evolutionary’ change at all, in the sense of giving any evidence for amoeba-to-man transformation. No new genetic information would have been introduced. If the parent population has sufficient created variability (genetic potential) to account for these varied features in its descendants, natural selection could take care of the resulting adaptation, as a simplistic example will show.


Say some finches ended up on islands in which there was a shortage of seeds, but many grubs were living under tree bark. In a population with much variation, some will have longer, some shorter, beaks than average. Those birds carrying more of the ‘long-beak’ information could survive on those grubs, and thus would be more likely to pass the information on to their descendants, while the others would die out. In this way, with selection acting on other characters as well, a ‘woodpecker finch’ could arise.


The same thing is seen in artificial selection, with all the various modern breeds of dogs being more specialized than the parent (mongrel) population, but carrying less information—and thus less potential for further selection (you can’t breed Great Danes from Chihuahuas). In all these sorts of changes, finches are still finches and dogs are dogs. The limits to change are set by the amount of information originally present from which to select.

Creationists have long proposed such ‘splitting under selection’ from the original kinds, explaining for example wolves, coyotes, dingoes and other wild dogs from one pair on the Ark. The question of time has, however, been seized upon by anti-creationists. They insist that it would take a much longer time than Scripture allows. Artificial selection is quick, they admit, but that is because breeders are deliberately acting on each generation. The usual ‘guesstimate’ of how long it took for Darwin’s finches to radiate from their parent population ranges from one million to five million years.


However, Princeton zoology professor Peter Grant recently released some results of an intensive 18-year study of all the Galápagos finches during which natural selection was observed in action.1 For example, during drought years, as finches depleted the supply of small seeds, selection favoured those with larger, deeper beaks capable of getting at the remaining large seeds and thus surviving, which shifted the population in that direction.

しかし、Princetonの動物学のPeter Grant教授は最近、ガラパゴスフィンチに自然淘汰が働く期間の18年の研究の成果を発表した[P.R. Grant 1991]。たとえば、旱魃の年の間は種子の供給が減少するので、残された大きな種子を得られる能力のある大きくて深いくちばしのフィンチが淘汰で選択されやすく、従って生き延びて、その方向に群れの人口比がシフトする。

While that is not very surprising, nor profound, the speed at which these changes took places was most interesting. At that observed rate, Grant estimates, it would take only 1,200 years to transform the medium ground finch into the cactus finch, for example. To convert it into the more similar large ground finch would take only some 200 years.


Notice that (although the article fails to mention it) such speedy changes can have nothing to do with the production of any new genes by mutation, but are based upon the process described, that is, choosing from what is already there. It therefore fails to qualify as evidence for real, uphill (macro) evolution — though many starry-eyed students will doubtless be taught it as ‘evolution in action’.


Instead, it is real, observed evidence that such (downhill) adaptive formation of several species from the one created kind can easily take place in a few centuries. It doesn't need millions of years. The argument is strengthened by the fact that, after the Flood, selection pressure would have been much more intense—with rapid migration into new, empty niches, residual catastrophism and changing climate as the Earth was settling down and drying out, and simultaneous adaptive radiation of differing food species.


P.R. Grant, ‘Natural Selection and Darwin’s Finches’, Scientific American, 265(4):60–65, October 1991.


posted by Kumicit at 2006/04/29 00:16 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Creationism | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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