The problems are twofold. First, both Paleyan “design arguments” and ID theory take for granted an essentially mechanistic conception of the natural world. What this means is that they deny the existence of the sort of immanent teleology or final causality affirmed by the Aristotelian-Thomistic-Scholastic tradition, and instead regard all teleology as imposed, “artificially” as it were, from outside. I devoted a couple of recent posts to explaining in some detail the differences between these approaches to teleology (here and here). And I emphasized that one of the objections the Aristotelian-Thomistic (A-T) tradition has to the mechanistic denial of final causality is that it makes efficient causality unintelligible. Causes and effects become “loose and separate”; any effect or none might in principle follow upon any cause. This not only paves the way for the paradoxes of Hume, but (more to the present point) undermines the possibility of showing how the very fact of causation as such presupposes a sustaining First Uncaused Cause. The metaphysically necessary connection between the world and God is broken; in principle the world could exist and operate just as it does apart from God. The most we can say is that this is so improbable a hypothesis that it can safely be ruled out; for as Paley and Co. assure us, it is far more likely that an extremely powerful and intelligent “designer” put together the “machine” that is the universe.「時計職人としての神」という論点である。
The second problem is that Paley and Co. conceptualize this designer on the model of human tinkerers, attributing our characteristics (intelligence, power, etc.) to him in a univocal rather than an analogous way (to allude to a crucial Thomistic distinction explained in a previous post). To be sure, “design arguments” also emphasize that the differences between human artifacts and the universe indicate that the designer’s power and intelligence must be far vaster than ours. But we are necessarily left with a designer conceived of in anthropomorphic terms – essentially a human being, or at least a Cartesian immaterial substance, with the limitations abstracted away. The result is the “theistic personalism” (as Brian Davies has labeled it) which has displaced classical theism in the thinking of many contemporary philosophers of religion.
第2の問題は、Paleyたちがデザイナーを人間の職人たちをモデルとし、インテリジェンスやパワーなどの我々の特性をデザイナーに、アナロジー的ではなく、明示的に持たせていることである。明確に言うと、"デザイン論"は「人間による人工物と宇宙の違いが、デザイナーのパワーとインテリジェンスが我々よりも、巨大であることを示すものだ」と強調している。しかし、必然的に我々は、「本質的には人間、あるいは少なくともデカルト的な精神的な存在」として、制限を除外した人間の用語でデザイナーを表現せざるをえない。その結果は(Brian Daviesが言うところの)「神的人格」であって、多くの現代の宗教哲学者たちの考えにある古典的有神論に取って代わる。
[Edward Feser: "The Trouble with William Paley" (2009/11/04) on Edawrd Feser]
そして、John FarrellはFirst Things掲載のStephen M. Barrの記事を挙げる。
It is time to take stock: What has the intelligent design movement achieved? As science, nothing. The goal of science is to increase our understanding of the natural world, and there is not a single phenomenon that we understand better today or are likely to understand better in the future through the efforts of ID theorists. If we are to look for ID achievements, then, it must be in the realm of natural theology. And there, I think, the movement must be judged not only a failure, but a debacle.Stephen M. Barrはさらに、"God of the gaps"論形式のインテリジェントデザインの実装についても触れている。
But whereas the advance of science continually strengthens the broader and more traditional version of the design argument, the ID movement’s version is hostage to every advance in biological science. Science must fail for ID to succeed. In the famous “explanatory filter” of William A. Dembski, one finds “design” by eliminating “law” and “chance” as explanations. This, in effect, makes it a zero-sum game between God and nature. What nature does and science can explain is crossed off the list, and what remains is the evidence for God.これらの主張自体は目新しいものではない。基本的には、「神は機械仕掛けの宇宙を作った職人」であり、「自然法則で説明できない=うまく動作しなくなると、手を突っ込んで修理したりする腕の悪い職人」という従来からなされてきた批判のライン上にある。
しかし、科学の進歩が絶えずデザイン論のより幅広く伝統的なバージョンを強化するのに対して、インテリジェントデザイン運動バージョンは生物学的科学のあらゆる進歩に敵対する。インテリジェントデザイン運動が成功するには、科学が失敗しなければならない。William A Dembskiの有名な「説明フィルタ」には、説明としての「自然法則」と「偶然」を除去することで「デザイン」を発見する。したがって、実質的には、神と自然はゼロサムゲームになっている。科学が説明できた自然がリストから消されて、残ったものが神の証拠である。
[Stephen M. Barr: "The End of Intelligent Design?" (2010/02/09) on FirstThings]