


その課題を取り上げた本のひとつ"Lee Meadows: The Missing Link"を見ていくことにする。この本は、米国の進化論教育を守る"National Center for Science Education"の立場に合致したものでもある。そこから、現時点の日本では想像もつかない米国の狂った状況を垣間見ることができるだろう。
[Excerpt from "The Missing Link: An Inquiry Approach for Teaching All Students About Evolution" by Lee Meadows]

Objections About Deep Time

Six billion years of evolution is hard for most humans to truly fathom. That's an incredibly long span of time. Students from young-Earth traditions have the additional challenge of approaching the study of evolution from a worldview telling them the Earth is only thousands, not billions, of years old. Where the scientific worldview talks about an amazingly long period of time required for cosmological evolution of the universe, then for geological evolution of the Earth, and the for biological evolution of life on Earth, many resistant students believe in an amazingly short period of supernatural creation of the universe, the Earth, and life on Earth. The conflict between the two worldviews is direct and deep.


Deep time is a key issue to understanding biological evolution because of the millions of years required for the evolution of species. (See the Appendix for more on deep time and radiometric dating.) Students who approach the fossil evidence with an assumption of a young Earth will encounter significant struggles in understanding how scientists explain the evidence with Darwin's theory. These students may even see very little use for evolution because they absolutely convinced that the world is young, not old, and that the long periods of time required by evolution just didn't happen.


Don't push hard on the issue of deep time because of how fundamental young-Earth belief are to some resistant students' faith. Asking them to accept the scientific worldview of a very old Earth will, for many of them, cause significant conflict in their belief systems, For some, believing in an old Earth could actually cause them to ostracized by their faith community; the stakes are high in this area. Instead, I would guide you toward helping them simply understand, but not accept, how scientists came to view the Earth as old enough to provide the time required for evolution to work and give us the life-forms we see today.


Table 6.2 provides an analysis of objections to evolution that are rooted in misunderstanding of or disbelief in deep time. It also gives the beginning points of two lessons that you could teach to deepen your students' understanding of evolution. The first lesson focuses on radiometric dating as the key scientific evidence of the ancient age of the Earth. The second lesson extends the previous lesson you taught on bird evolution and gives students more experiences with understanding how evolutionary biologists explain the fossil record. The two lessons actually could be taught together. Without the eons established by radiometric dating, evolution does not have the time required for the development of species we see today.


Note how for each objection, the table gives the corresponding scientific understanding, a possible focus question for the lesson, possible resistant students' struggle, and a message you can use in guiding the student toward understanding, but not accepting, evolution. The other tables in this chapter will follow a similar format. The Target Scientific Understandings column gives you the science that contrasts with typical student objections. The Focus Question for Lesson column helps you think about how to focus the lesson away from controversy. The Resistant Students' Struggles column gives examples of possible struggles your students are facing, in case you're not sure why resistant students raise objections in this area. The Key Message column gives you an example of the kind of messages that you can use to continue to reinforce with you resistant students how you don't want them to abandon their faith, but do want them to understand science.


Inquiry is probably your best approach for helping students understand deep time. As you've done through the unit, present students with evidence for an old Earth and guide them in seeing how scientists explain that evidence from natural causes at work. Don't simply tell them what they should believe. Several of the resources identified in the Deep Times and Radiometric Dating section of the Appendix should help you identify evidence you can use for building an effective inquiry. Hopefully all of your students, including you resistant ones, will see how natural causes provide a plausible explanation for the evidence. Be aware, though, the resistant students may be quite skeptical of those explanations because of their disbelief about deep time. Help them to understand the evidence for deep time, without requiring they accept that the Earth is old.




posted by Kumicit at 2010/12/11 23:14 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | ID: General | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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