

昨日登場のBrother Guy Consolmagnoをさがしてみると、Astrobiology Magazine NASAの2005年9月19日の記事「By Design: Interview with Brother Guy Consolmagno」が、バチカン天文学者Guy Consolmagnoとのインテリジェントデザインについてのインタビューを掲載していた。


  • 一部の人々は、神の存在を証明するために科学を使えると思っているが、それは誤り。"God of the gaps"の誤りは、隙間が科学によって埋められとき、神の必要性が失われること。
  • 科学者が"信じる"べきは3つであり、それゆえに科学は宗教に基づいている。

    1. 宇宙は実際に存在する。自分が科学者であるという胡蝶の夢を見ているのではない。
    2. 宇宙には法則が存在して、それを発見できること。
    3. 法則を見つけることに価値があること。


Astrobiology Magazine (AM): From your perspective as both a priest and a scientist, what are your views of the recent controversy over intelligent design?

Guy Consolmagno (GC): Intelligent design is one of these phrases that means something different to everybody. To part of the world, it's a code phrase for the worst sort of creationism. And to other people, it just means that you can't use science as a way to disprove God. (laughs) Obviously you can't. And you cannot use science to prove God.

Science has to start with an assumption. Newtonian physics started with the assumption that everything is due to cause and effect. And, lo and behold, it seems to prove that everything is due to cause and effect. But it's not a proof, it's just recovering your assumption. Quantum theory says everything is chance. And by golly, you can show that according to quantum theory, everything is chance. No, you don't prove it; it's an assumption that allows you to get a handle on the universe. You can say that the universe works the way it does because of a beneficent creator -- that's a perfectly reasonable way to start out looking at the universe, but it's no proof. It's your assumption.

The trouble is that some people think they can use science to prove God. And that puts science ahead of God; that makes science more powerful than God. That's bad theology. In fact, some philosophers have said that's what led to atheism in the eighteenth century -- the fallacy of the God of the gaps. You say, "I have no idea how this could have happened. It must have been God's design." And then fifty years later, somebody explains how it did happen, and you say, "I don't need God anymore." If your faith is based on science, that's a very shaky kind of faith.
困ったことに、一部の人々は、神の存在を証明するために科学を使えると思っています。そして、神より前に科学を置きます。それは神よりも科学を強くします。それは悪い神学です。実際、一部の哲学者たちは、"God of the gaps"の誤りによって18世紀に無神論へとつながったと言っています。「これがどう起きたのか全然わからない。これは神がデザインしたに違いない」とあなたが言ったとしましょう。そして50年後に、誰かがそれがどう起きたか説明したとしましょう。そうすると、あなたは「もはや神は必要ない」と言うでしょう。あなたの信仰が科学に基づくものであれば、非常に不確実な信仰です。

My belief in God is not because of something I've seen in science. But I can turn it the other way around and say, "I believe in science because of my faith in God."

If you're going to be a scientist, there are three things you have to believe. Number one, the universe really exists -- I'm not just a butterfly dreaming I'm a scientist. Two, you have to believe that the universe makes sense. It's not chaotic; there really are underlying laws and we're able to find them. And the third and hardest thing, the most religious of the beliefs, is you have to believe it's worth doing.

If your religion says that the goal of life is to meditate above this corrupting universe and reach out to the spiritual, you're not going to be a scientist. There are many great cultures in the East that had tremendous mathematics, philosophy, and ethics, but they never did natural science because they couldn't see the point of spending the time and money on it.

The West, with Judaism, Islam and Christianity, accepted the idea of a creator God who looked at the universe and said, "This is good." Christianity even goes as far as to say that God loved the universe so much that he incarnated his only begotten son, as the phrase goes. It doesn't say that God loved people so much that he sent his son, but that God loved the world.

If the universe is this good, then it's worth our while to spend the time and money studying it, even if it's not going to get me rich, even if it's not immediately going to give me better crops or fancier Teflon or any of those other excuses. It's the motivation behind why we're all here doing this stuff. It's because we're in love with the truth, it's because we're in love with this physical universe, and our love of the universe is what gives us the courage to spend our lives studying it. So, our science is based on our religion. You can't do it the other way around.

AM: One of the ideas behind intelligent design is there might be ideal forms in nature. For instance, an octopus eye and a human eye ending up so similar and yet taking different paths to get there. Do you think this concept of convergence is more in tune with religious thought then other aspects of evolutionary theory?

GC: No, I don't think religious thought gives you anything either way.

AM: Even though it suggests a Platonic ideal, or God-imposed ideal, that there is a perfect form or design out there?

GC: But I'm not convinced of that. Other eyes on some other planet may work in a far different way, and maybe even figured out a better design. We're not in a position to say.

AM: You're going to have different forms on different planets, because you're going to have different environmental conditions.

GC: Even if the conditions are the same, there could be forms we haven't even imagined. The trouble with this idea of "God's thumbprint" is, first of all, it denies the fact that it's ALL thumbprint. And so, I don't want to say that this is proof of God, but that over there was just accident.

You also don't want to deny human freedom. If you say it's all God's design, then what about evil in the world? Well, you could answer that evil comes out of human freedom. But then what about tsunamis in the world? Where do you draw the line? At some point, God intended things. At some point, God gives the universe freedom to do what it's going to do. There is a line - and I don't know where it is - but if you're going to believe in human freedom and not pre-destination, then you have to believe that there is a huge chunk of the universe that God allows, rather than God controls.
あなたも、人間の自由を否定したくないでしょう。すべてが神によるデザインだとすれば、世界にある悪はどうでしょうか? 悪は人間の自由によるものだと答えるかもしれません。しかし、それでは世界にある津波はどうでしょうか? それについてどう答えますか? ある面、神によるものであり、ある面、神が宇宙の自由を与えて、そのようなことも可能にしました。私はどこにあるかわかりませんが、一筋があります。人間の自由を信じ、予め定められた到達点がないと信じるなら、神の制御ではなく神が許した宇宙の膨大な許容量があると信じられるでしょう。

AM: Do you mean the idea of the Blind Watchmaker - that God created the universe and just sits back and lets it tick away?

GC: I don't even like that analogy, because I think it has had so many accretions to it. I just want to step back and not make any judgments. My religion tells me that God created the universe, and it's worth studying. Now it's up to my science to tell me what it can do.

AM: What do you think about the idea that you can have multiple universes with different laws governing them, very much in a Darwinian sort of way, each having evolved from initial conditions?

GC: Well it's not very much in a Darwinian sort of way, it's very much in a Thomistic sort of way. Thomas Aquinas speaks about multiple worlds, which is really what multiples universes are. Medieval theologians went over this. And the bottom line is, you're never going to win if you bet God couldn't do something.

Scientifically, you have to ask, what does this theory get me? Where does this take me that I wasn't going to go before? There is a horizon that we can't see -- if you do cosmology, you have to admit to the possibility of things beyond the light-speed horizon.

If you're trying to counter the anthropic principle, you can put this up as a counter-example. But frankly the anthropic principle isn't science, it's philosophy, and not particularly interesting philosophy as far as I'm concerned. So I'm not interested in that, one way or another. If there's fun science that comes out of it, then you can treat it as a science. If it's science fiction, treat it as science fiction. That's ok, I like science fiction. I just don't confuse the two.
posted by Kumicit at 2006/05/07 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Vatican | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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