[Manish Bhatia: "what is the treatment for sarcoidosis and what is the success rate" (2010/02/05) on Hpathy]同じくインド系の有名なホメオパシーサイトABChomeopathyでは、ひとつだけ使用例があり...
Also we have to remember that not all people suffering from sarcoidosis suffer from any symptoms and many of these people show spontaneous remission without any medicine. Especially people suffering from Lofgren's syndrome (a variation of sarcoidosis found commonly in Irish and scandavian people) show spontaneous remission in a year or two. Of all the people suffering from sarcoidosis only 15% or so people face serious complications. And managing these complicated or advanced cases is a challenge even with proper homeopathic treatment.
[Richard Hahnemann:"A Medical Mystery with Surprises – Kleine-Levin Syndrome" (2010/01/20) on Hpathy]
KLS in short, is a very rare sleep disorder. The other main symptoms are associated with appetite and sex. Males experience KLS four times more frequently than females. This syndrome is cyclical. Narcoleptic episodes may persist for days, weeks, or months. Periods of remission may also vary from weeks, months, or even years! Some patients “grow out” of this syndrome. That is to say that some patients experience “spontaneous remission” permanently with advance in age. Others do not. KLS may even recur later in life. It is a true medical enigma. Similarities between Kleine-Levin syndrome and Kluver-Bucy syndrome (also characterized by hyperphagia, hypersexuality, and dulled motions) deserves homeopathic study as well.
[Alan V. Schmukler:"Beth Rotondo" (2008/05/15) on Hpathy]
When I went back to the doctor she couldn’t believe it. I said “I used homeopathy” and explained it to her. She said “ I’m sure it wasn’t those little white sugar pills. It must have been a spontaneous remission. I’m sure that’s what it was.”
[André Saine: "Homeopathic Treatment of the Multiple Sclerosis Patient" (2009/09/16) on Hpathy]
Thus permanent spontaneous remission is unlikely to happen after the first year of onset or in patients experiencing chronic episodes.
[AstroTheDog ver 2.01 Posted: 16 May 10 at 16:35]
spontaneous remission is another thing that has crossed my mind. although i think this is unlikely due to a few reasons too long to get into.
[sreischman Posted: 16 Aug. 04 at 04:44]
At what point would you consider someone cure? If an AIDs patient is HIV negative 25 years after his last remedy, did homeopathy cure him? Was it spontaneous remission (it sometimes has happened).
どの時点で患者が治癒したと考えるのか? もし、AIDS患者が最後のレメディから25年後にHIV陰性になったとしたら? それは自然治癒では(ときどき起きている)。
[Yahweh Topic: Can Homeopathy Correct Near-Sightedness Posted: 08 July 04 at 09:58]
a success in the case cannot be brushed away as "placebo" or "anecdotal" which should satisfy the skeptics, and I've never known poor eyesight to go into "spontaneous remission".
[Tumor formation on ABChomeopathy]この場合は、「通常医療では理解できないから『自然治癒』と呼んでるだけ」という使われ方で、ホメオパシー的には「自然治癒ではない」という主張となっている。
This is known by allopathy as “Spontaneous Remission”, because they cannot explain it, and do not accept this way of looking at the operation of the body.
なお言うまでもないが、ホメオパシーの始祖たるDr. Samuel Hahnemannは、自然治癒の概念が明確になる前の人なので、当然のことながら、自然治癒に言及していない。