1983年のABCテレビ映画"The Day After"が米国人にとって衝撃的だったのは、その映像そのもの以上に、カンザス州ローレンス市が舞台であることが理由だったとされる。
[Jon Niccum: "Fallout from 'The Day After'" (2003/11/19) on Lawrence.Com]1983年当時、マンハッタンが粉砕されようが、ロサンジェルスが蒸発しようが、多くの米国人にとっては他人事だったらしい。
On Nov. 20, 1983, Lawrence endured fallout from the blasts of nuclear missiles that struck neighboring Kansas City. The area was scorched by firestorms, citizens were vaporized, and those lucky enough to survive suffered the slower effects of radiation poisoning.
At least that is what was portrayed in an ABC television movie that became one of the most watched and most controversial events of the decade.
"The Day After" -- billed as a "starkly realistic drama of nuclear confrontation and its devastating effect on a group of average American citizens" -- was viewed by half the adult population of the United States, which was the largest audience for a made-for-TV movie up to that time.
Quite a media phenomenon for a film that was situated and predominantly shot in Lawrence.
"Other movies that had attempted to deal with the subject of nuclear holocaust had always been set it in big cities," says "The Day After" director Nicholas Meyer. "But a great number of people in the United States do not live in big cities, so they were witnessing an event that seemed to bear scant relation to them."
「核対決と平均的米国市民に対する破滅的影響をきわめて現実的に描いたドラマ」と銘打たれた"The Day After"は米国人の半数が見たと言う、テレビ映画史上最大の視聴率を獲得した。
「核ホロコーストを取り扱った他の映画は大都市を舞台としていた」と"The Day After"のディレクターNicholas Meyerは言う。「しかし、多くの米国人は大都市には住んでおらず、彼らにとっては自分とは関係のないイベントのように見えていた。」
そんな"The Day After"をめぐって、当時ささやかで奇妙な出来事が起きた。それは、本放映のときに流れた大統領ラジオ放送の音声が、再放送・ビデオ/DVD・海外展開では別な声に差し替えられるというもの。
[THE PRESIDENT'S VOICE IS MISSING on CONELRAD.COM]なお、「ブッシュ」はもちろん、パパ・ブッシュ(George HW Bush)である。
There were many complaints lobbed by the right (and a few by the left) at Nicholas Meyer's movie both before and after its initial broadcast. The most interesting, and perhaps least remembered criticism stemmed from the fact that in the original airing of THE DAY AFTER the unidentified U.S. President (who makes a rather uninspired post-war radio address; see below) sounded suspiciously Reaganesque. At the time, even the hint of such a negative association was a sore point with conservatives. This was so because Ronald Reagan and his first term administration had developed a politically problematic reputation for promoting the notion of a survivable, or in some cases, winnable nuclear war
Nicholas Meyerの映画(The Day After)の放映前後に右翼(そして一部左翼)から多くの抗議があった。最も興味深く、かつ最も人々の記憶に残っていない批判は、The Day After本放映のときの氏名不詳の米国大統領(核戦争後の平凡なラジオ演説を行う)の声がレーガン大統領のように聞こえたことによって起きた。当時、ネガティブな関連性を思わる点が、保守にとって痛いポイントだった。これは、ロナルド・レーガンと第1期の閣僚が、生存可能あるいは勝利可能な核戦争という概念[*]を推進していて、それが政治的に問題ありな評判を大きくしていた。
Whatever the merits of the criticism, the complaints over the voiceover must have stung someone in a position of authority at ABC because all subsequent airings and home video releases of the film have substituted the Bush / Reagan-like voice with that of a more generic commander in chief. Thanks to CONELRAD contributor Clarke Ingram and his industrial strength VCR we can now present for the first time both the originally broadcast radio address sequence from 1983 and the later generic one. You be the judge on who sounds more presidential (we're voting for the '83 model).
再放送やビデオ版では、ブッシュ・レーガンぽい音声からジェネリックな最高司令官の音声に差し替えられたからことから、その批判のメリットが何であれ、ラジオ演説音声に対する抗議がABC上層部のだれかを動かしたことは間違いない。CONELRAD.COMのコントビュータのひとりClarke Ingramとビデオデッキの出来の良さのおかげで、我々は本放映のときラジオ演説音声と差し替え後のジェネリックな音声を提供できる。どちらが大統領らしいか比べてみてほしい。我々は本放映の方が良いと思うが。
[*] The following three supporting reference points were taken from Robert Scheer's 1982 book, With Enough Shovels: Reagan, Bush and Nuclear War (Random House, New York):
Robert Scheerの1982年の本"With Enough Shovels: Reagan, Bush and Nuclear War"から以下の3点を挙げておく。In 1982 the Reagan administration presented a program to Congress requesting 4.2 billion dollars for civil defense over seven years. The sponsors of the program claimed that it would save 80 percent of the U.S. population in the event of a full scale nuclear war with the USSR.
Thomas K. Jones, President Reagan's Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategic and Theater Nuclear Forces told author Robert Scheer that recovery from an all-out nuclear war was possible in a 1981 interview. The official revealed his "D.I.Y" (Do It Yourself) civil defense strategy thusly: "Dig a hole, cover it with a couple of doors and then throw three feet of dirt on top... It's the dirt that does it... if there are enough shovels to go around, everybody's going to make it."
レーガン大統領の戦略・戦術核戦力担当国防副次官補Thomas K. Jonesは著者Robert Scheerに対して1981年のインタビューで、全面核戦争からの復興は可能だと述べていた。当局は彼の"D.I.Y" (Do It Yourself)な民間防衛戦略を次のように明らかにした「穴を掘って、数枚の扉で覆って、3フィートの土砂をかける。土砂が守ってくれる。まわりに十分なシャベルがあれば、誰もが作れる」
In 1980, presidential candidate George H.W. Bush answered Robert Scheer's question about how a super-power can win in a nuclear exchange: "You have survivability of command and control, survivability of industrial potential, protection of a percentage of your citizens, you have a capability that inflicts more damage on the opposition than it can inflict on you. That's the way you have a winner..." Bush later denied he was endorsing the concept of "winnable" nuclear war.
1980年に、大統領候補だったジョージ・HW・ブッシュは、超大国が核戦争に勝利する方法についてのRobert Scheerの質問に対して次のように答えている「指揮命令系統の全面戦争生存力、産業基盤の全面戦争生存力、市民の防御率、敵が我が国にもたらす損害以上の損害を敵に与える能力。これらがそろえば、戦争に勝てる」ブッシュは後に勝利可能な核戦争という概念を推進していたことを否定する。
で、当のレーガン大統領はというと、"The Day After"の試写を見て衝撃を受け、冷戦終結へと方針を変えていくことになったのだが、それはまた別の話。