

病原菌やウィルスの発見がなされたのは19世紀末。ホメオパシーの始祖たるSamuel Hahnemannの死から半世紀あとのことである。当然のことながらホメオパシーの"理論"は「病原菌やウィルスが病気を起こす」という考えとは無関係につくられている。


それらの例を、ホメオパシー情報サイトとして、最も知られている、インド人ホメオパスDr. Manish Bhatiaが主宰するHpathyに見てみると...
[C. J. Varghese: "Homeopathy – Not Vaccines!" (2009/10/01) on Hpathy]

First of all, we should understand that the Germ Theory, on which the basis of vaccination rests, is not fully a truth. This theory states that the germs cause diseases and we have to kill them if we want to get well. At the same time, the body’s immune system produces antibodies to fight the germs. Therefore, if you inject germs (or weakened germs) into the body, the immune system will supposedly get roused up and produce the required antibodies that will prevent a full-scale attack of the disease. This is the theory. In reality, it is foolish to imagine that we have to train the body to do something it instinctively knows how to do. The very idea that by injecting a toxic, poisonous material into the body (that’s what vaccines are made of) we can produce health is really crazy. How can a toxic substance produce health?


続いて、陰謀論を強く主張する例。Hpathyメンバーであり、ホメオパシー"学位"(DHOM)を持つGina Tylerは繰り返し、陰謀論を主張している。
[G Tyler, Hpathy Team, Posted: 30 Nov. 09 at 14:41 (forums.hpathy)]

We must remember as homeopaths that we do NOT go by Pasteur's Lies (Germ theory), but by the basic principles of homeopathic theory of "energy" medicine.

Allopaths/healhcare workers seek validation in Pasteur's faulty theory of germs. To believe this is a product of big pharma's manipulation. To believe this is the basis of using vaccines and using antibiotics and all the other useless prescriptions allopaths push onto their patients. Homeopathic practicioners DO NOT FOLLOW PASTEUR's theory of germs. ...


「エネルギー医療(energy medicine)」は日本では「波動医療」に相当する。

[Mark OSullivan: "The Homœopathic Bowel Nosodes" (2010/02/15) on Hpathy]

Paterson’s conclusions at the centre of this page, were reached after extensive research into the effects of homeopathic remedies on bowel flora. He noticed that when a patient undergoing treatment was experiencing improvement and felt better in themselves, the amount of pathogenic bacteria yielded in their stool increased.

From the conventional point of view, this meant the patient had a disease and should not be feeling better at all. It contradicted the germ theory of disease espoused by Pasteur and others. Paterson concluded that the germs in the stool were the result of the action of the vital force of the patient as stimulated by the remedy administered. The patient was eliminating harmful germs as part of a curative process as his vital force strengthened.




posted by Kumicit at 2010/12/31 09:55 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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