Some people give another explanation for why we see distant stars in a young universe. They believe God created a beam of light between Earth and each star. Of course, a creation would immediately produce completed things. Instantly, they would look much older than they really were. This is called “creation with the appearance of age.” The concept is sound. However, for starlight, this presents two difficulties:
ある人々は、若い宇宙で我々は遠くの星を見ることができる別の説明をする。彼らは神が地球と星々の間に光線を創造したと信じている。もちろん、創造は瞬時に完全なものを創りだす。瞬時にして、それらは実際よりも遥かに古くからあるかのごとくに見えるようになる。これは"Apearance of Age"を伴う創造と呼ばれる。この考え方は正しい。しかし、星の光については、これは次の2つの問題がある。
Bright, exploding stars are called “supernovas.” If starlight, seemingly from a supernova, had been created en route to Earth and did not originate at the surface of an exploding star, then what exploded? Only a relatively short beam would have been created near Earth. If the image of an explosion was created on that short beam of light, then the star never existed and the explosion never happened. One finds this hard to accept.
明るく、爆発している星は"超新星"と呼ばれる。もし超新星から来たように見える星の光が地球への経路上で創造され、爆発している星の表面に生じたものでないとするなら、何が爆発しているのだろうか? 地球の近くで比較的短い光線が創造されただけだ。短い光線上に爆発のイメージが創造されたするなら、その星は存在しておらず、爆発は起きていないことになる。これは受け入れがたい。
Every hot gas radiates a unique set of precise colors, called its emission spectrum. The gaseous envelope around each star also emits specific colors that identify the chemical composition of the gas. Because all starlight has emission spectra, this strongly suggests that a star’s light originated at the star―not in cold, empty space. Each beam of starlight also carries other information, such as the star’s spin rate, magnetic field, surface temperature, and the chemical composition of the cold gases between the star and Earth. Of course, God could have created this beam of light with all this information in it. However, the real question is not, “Could God have done it?” but, “Did He?”
Therefore, starlight seems to have originated at stellar surfaces, not in empty space.
(Because Galaxies Are Billions of Light-Years Away, Isn’t the Universe Billions of Years Old?)
モデルを組み上げて、シミュレーションプログラムを書いて、予算確保してスーパーコンぶんまわして、結果を可視化して... などということを考えると、"Appearance of Age"を実現することが気が遠くなる難事業に見えるのだろう。
しかし、神様なら可能だとDr. Walt Brownも書いている。にもかからず、神様がself-consistentな形で、電磁波や高エネルギー粒子を配置したとは思えないと、理由を明示することなく言ってのけるDr. Walt Brownは、何を怖れるのか。