


What happens to errant homeopaths and pharmacists?

Homeopaths don't have any proper rules governing them. How could they distinguish between an allegedly dodgy homeopath giving out fake homeopathy – perhaps a tablet with a physiological effect – and a "proper" one giving out real homeopathy where there is no molecule of the homeopathic ingredient in the tablets?

As far as I know, the Society of Homeopaths, which stresses that it represents "professional homeopaths" (presumably those who make money from it), has never claimed to have expelled anyone from membership of their organisation for poor clinical practice. None of the dozen or so homeopaths that Sense about Science taped were disciplined by the society as far as we know. Their record on disciplining errant homeopaths appears very poor. They issued a statement after the programme which, riddled with ex cathedra ambiguity and vacuity, asserted that:


私の知る限り、職業ホメオパス団体(ホメオパシーで銭をかせいでいる)であることを強調する、英国ホメオパス協会は、不適格な臨床処置を行ったホメオパスを除名処分にしたと主張したことがない。我々の知る限り、"Sence about Science"が録画した問題のホメオパスたち十数名は誰も懲戒処分されていない。協会の不適格なホメオパスに対する懲戒記録はあまりにお粗末だ。協会は番組が放映された後、権威を持って、曖昧かつ空疎な、わかりにくい声明を出した。
"The Society of Homeopaths, the UK's largest register of homeopaths with 1,500 members, does not endorse the use of homeopathic remedies with a view to preventing serious tropical diseases such as malaria and yellow fever.

"The evidence to support the use of homeopathic prophylactics, that is, using homeopathic remedies as a preventative treatment, is currently largely anecdotal and therefore the use of this method is speculative.

"This is entirely different from treatment by a registered homeopath in the UK. Although more research is welcomed, the balance of evidence already shows that treatment by a homeopath is clinically effective, cost-effective and safe."



Pharmacists, however, do have a proper system of professional regulation. After the Newsnight sting, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (which as the RPSGB was also the regulator of pharmacists until the regulatory function was split off to the General Pharmaceutical Council, the GPhC) started making very clear statements opposing the prescribing of homeopathy for serious diseases (and indeed went on to say that homeopathy did not work) but did not appear to rapidly progress disciplinary action against any of the Newsnight pharmacists, as emerged during the oral evidence session (questions 68-72) for a Commons select committee enquiry into homeopathy in 2009.

As far as we know, the GPhC has – four years on – also not concluded any of the cases.



[Is homeopathy on the ropes after ban on prescription for pets (2011/01/05) on The Guardian]

posted by Kumicit at 2011/01/10 00:00 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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