Exam board is accused of confusing pupils by including religion.
AN EXAMINATIONS board is including references to “creationism” in a new GCSE science course for schools.
The OCR board admitted that a biology course due to be introduced in September encourages schools to consider alternative views to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
これの続報で、英国Teaching Ideas & ResourcesのGraeme Patonによる2006年5月19日付けの記事「Darwinists 1, Creationists 0」によれば:
An exam board has agreed to redraft a science syllabus which encourages pupils to discuss creationist theories alongside those of Charles Darwin.
The OCR board said it would review the contentious module after complaints from academics that the strict biblical theory that God created the Earth in six days had no place in science lessons.
Pupils had been asked to consider that the existence of fossils had been “interpreted differently over time (for example, creationist interpretation)” as part of a biology paper being introduced from September. It was part of a move, promoted by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, to tackle the subject’s decline by encouraging pupils to debate controversial issues.
9月から導入される生物学の試験の一部で、たとえば創造論者の解釈のような、化石の存在についての解釈がどのように時代を経て変わってきたかを考えるように問われることになっていた。これは、Qualifications and Curriculum Authorityが推進する、生徒たちが論争となっている問題をディベートすることを推奨することで、主題の衰退と取り組むという動きの一部だった。
But in a letter to the British Humanist Association (BHA), which complained about the syllabus, the exam board admitted the paper was “ambiguous” and officials would be “reviewing the wording” of the module.
しかし、シラバスを批判したBritish Humanist Association (BHA)への手紙で、試験委員会は試験があいまいであり、職員がモジュールの言葉遣いを見直すだろうと認めた。
In recent weeks religious leaders, including Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Most Reverend Bruce Cameron, the leader of the Scottish Episcopal Church, have denounced the teaching of creationism in science.
この数週間で、カンタベリー大司教Dr.Rowan Williamsやスコットランド聖公会のBruce Cameronが理科の授業で創造論を教えることを批難した。
Richard Pike, head of the Royal Society of Chemistry, said: “We should no longer talk of the theory of evolution, as though it is ‘just an idea’; so well established is it that it now warrants the designation of an immutable scientific law, and should be taught as such.”
Royal Society of Chemistry学士院長であるRichard Pikeは次のように語った:「もはや、我々は進化論を、ただの思いつきと言ってはならない。きわめてしっかりと確立された理論であり、今や不変の科学法則を保証するものである。そのように教えられるべきだ。」
Bene’t Steinberg, director of public affairs at OCR, has said that, although it is too late to reprint biology specifications due out this September, syllabuses will be redrafted for 2007. In the meantime, he said, new accompanying guidance for science teachers will tell them that “we do not accept that creationism is taught”.
OCRの広報担当長であるBene’t Steinbergは次のように語った:「生物の試験仕様をこの9月までに印刷しなおすには遅すぎるが、シラバスは2007年に向けて書き直されるだろう。理科の先生に対するガイダンスでは、創造論が教えられるを我々は認めないと告げることになるだろう」