News release: Human and chimp genomes reveal new twist on origin of species
Cambridge, MA - Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Common ancestor ~1 million years more recent than previous estimates;
Evolutionary age varies among genome regions;
Young age of sex chromosome points to complex speciation and possible interbreeding during speciation
- 共通祖先はこれまでの推定よりも100万年以上、新しい時代に存在した。
- ゲノムの領域によって進化の年代が異なる
- 新しい時代の性染色体は、複雑な種分化と種分化の間に起きた交雑の可能性を指摘する。
The evolutionary split between human and chimpanzee is much more recent — and more complicated — than previously thought, according to a new study by scientists at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and at Harvard Medical School published in the May 17 online edition of Nature.
The results show that the two species split no more than 6.3 million years ago and probably less than 5.4 million years ago. Moreover, the speciation process was unusual — possibly involving an initial split followed by later hybridization before a final separation.
Broad Institute of MITとHarvard Medical Schoolの研究者が2006年5月17日付けのオンライン版Natureに発表した研究によれば、これまで考えられてきたよりも、ヒトとチンパンジーの進化による分岐がはるかに新しい時代であり、かつ複雑であることがわかった。
"The study gave unexpected results about how we separated from our closest relatives, the chimpanzees. We found that the population structure that existed around the time of human-chimpanzee speciation was unlike any modern ape population. Something very unusual happened at the time of speciation," said David Reich, the senior author of the Nature paper, and an associate member of the Broad Institute and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School's Department of Genetics.
「この研究から、我々のもっと近い種族であるチンパンジーと我々の分岐について予想外の結果が得られた。ヒトとチンパンジーの種分化が起きたときにあった人口構成はいかなる現代の類人猿の集団とも違っていたことがわかった。種形成のときに何か非常に変わったことが起きた。」とNatureの論文の著者であり、Broad Instituteの准メンバーであり、Harvard Medical Schoolの遺伝学部の助教授であるDavid Reichは語った。
Previous molecular genetic studies have focused on the average genetic difference between human and chimpanzee. By contrast, the new study exploits the information in the complete genome sequence to reveal the variation in evolutionary history across the human genome. In theory, scientists have long known that some genomic regions must be "older" than others, meaning that they trace back to different times in the common ancestral population that gave rise to both humans and chimps. But, the new study is the first to actually measure the range of ages. It gave three surprising results:
- the time from the beginning to the completion of divergence between the two species ranges over more than 4 million years across different parts of the genome. This range is much larger than expected.
- the youngest regions are unexpectedly recent — being no more than 6.3 million years old and probably no more than 5.4 million years old. This finding implies that human-chimp speciation itself is far more recent than previously thought.
- - if one looks only at the X chromosome, it almost entirely falls at the lower end of the time frame. In fact, the average age of the X chromosome is ~1.2 million years "younger" than the average across the 22 autosomal (non-sex) chromosomes.
- 2つの種の種分化の始まりから完成までの時間は、ゲノムの領域により、400万年以上にわたっていた。これは予想外に大きい。
- 最も若い領域は予想外に新しい。630万年よりは新しく、おそらく540万年前よりも新しい。ヒトとチンパンジーの種分化そのものがこれまで考えらていたよりも、はるかに新しいことを意味する。
- X染色体だけを見れば、時間レンジの下限(新しい時代)に位置する。実際、X染色体の平均年代は、22の常染色体(非生殖)染色体の平均より120万年程度若い。
"The genome analysis revealed big surprises, with major implications for human evolution," said Eric Lander, Director of the Broad Institute and co-author of the Nature paper. "First, human-chimp speciation occurred more recently than previous estimates. Second, the speciation itself occurred in an unusual manner that left a striking impact across chromosome X. The young age of chromosome X is an evolutionary 'smoking gun.'"
「ゲノム解析により、人類の進化について大きな意味を持つ思いがけないことが明らかになった。第1に、ヒトとチンパンジーの種分化は、これまでの推定よりも新しい時代に起きた。第2に、種分化が、X染色体に顕著な影響を残すような非常に変わった形で起きた。X染色体の若い年齢は進化の"動かぬ証拠"である。」とBroad Instituteの所長であり、Natureの論文の共著者であるEric Landerは語った。
The estimate that humans and chimpanzees probably split less than 5.4 million years ago is more recent by ~1 to 2 million years than a previous estimate of 6.5-7.4 million years based on the famous Toumaï hominid fossil (Sahelanthropus tchadensis), which has features thought to be distinctive to the human lineage.
ヒトとチンパンジーの分岐がおそらく540万年前以降だという推定は、ヒトに特徴的なものと考えられる特徴を持つ、有名なTaumaのヒト科の化石 (Sahelanthropus tchadensis)に基づいて推定された650万年前〜740万年前という数字よりもかなり新しい。
"It is possible that the Toumaï fossil is more recent than previously thought," said Nick Patterson, a senior research scientist and statistician at the Broad Institute and first author of the Nature paper. "But if the dating is correct, the Toumaï fossil would precede the human-chimp split. The fact that it has human-like features suggest that human-chimp speciation may have occurred over a long period with episodes of hybridization between the emerging species."
「Taumaの化石はこれまで考えられているよりも新しいかもしれない。しかし、年代測定が正しければ、Taumaの化石はヒトとチンパンジーの分岐よりも前の時代ということになる。ヒトのような特徴を持っているという事実は、ヒトとチンパンジーの種分化が非常に長い時間をかけて起こり、新たに出現した種の間での交雑が起きたことを示唆する。」とBroad Instituteの上級研究員で統計学者であり、Natureの論文の主著者であるNick Pattersonは語った。
The possibility of "hybridization" — that is, initial separation of the two species, followed by interbreeding and then final separation — would also explain the strange phenomenon seen on chromosome X. Interbreeding is known to place strong selective pressures on sex chromosomes, which could translate to a very young age for chromosome X.
"Hybridization" is commonly observed to play a role in speciation in plants, but evolutionary biologists do not generally view it as an important way to produce a new species in animals.
"A hybridization event between human and chimpanzee ancestors could help explain both the wide range of divergence times seen across our genomes, as well as the relatively similar X chromosomes," said Reich. "That such evolutionary events have not been seen more often in animal species may simply be due to the fact that we have not been looking for them."
As the researchers note in the Nature paper, it should be possible to refine the timeline of speciation and test the possible explanations based on complete genome sequencing of gorilla and other primates, which is already underway at several centers including the Broad Institute.
Natureの論文に研究者たちが書いたように、ゴリラや他の霊長類のゲノムの完全な解析に基づいて種分化の時系列を精緻にし、可能な説明を検証することが可能なはずである。これらのゲノム解析はBroad Instituteを含む複数の研究機関で進行中である。
Paper Reference:
Nick Patterson¹, Daniel J. Richter¹, Sante Gnerre¹, Eric S. Lander¹ ² & David Reich¹ ³, Genetic evidence for complex speciation of humans and chimpanzees. Nature (advance online publication) DOI: 10.1038/nature04789, 2006.
1 Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
2 Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA.
3 Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA.
で、このリリースは2006年5月17日付だが、これに対して、"若い地球の創造論"サイトAnswers in Genesisは2006年5月22日時点では反応していない。Da Vinci Code批判が優先しているのか、それとも気がついていないのか?