



==>TJ Kaptchuk et al: "Placebos without Deception: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Irritable Bowel Syndrome", PLoS ONE 5(12): e15591. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015591

被験者はRome III criteraでIBSと診断され、IBS-SSSでスコア150以上の80名(うち女性70%, 年齢47±18歳)である。研究は、Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centerで2009年8月から2010年4月の期間に行われた。各被験者は1日目・11日目・21日目にMedical Centerを訪れる形で3週間の実験に参加した。

Patients were randomly assigned either to open-label placebo treatment or to the no-treatment control. Prior to randomization, patients from both groups met either a physician (AJL) or nurse-practitioner (EF) and were asked whether they had heard of the “placebo effect.” Assignment was determined by practitioner availability.


The provider clearly explained that the placebo pill was an inactive (i.e., “inert”) substance like a sugar pill that contained no medication and then explained in an approximately fifteen minute a priori script the following “four discussion points:”

1) the placebo effect is powerful,
2) the body can automatically respond to taking placebo pills like Pavlov's dogs who salivated when they heard a bell,
3) a positive attitude helps but is not necessary, and
4) taking the pills faithfully is critical.


1) プラセボ効果は強力である。
2) ベルの音で涎をたらすパヴロフの犬のように、人体は自動的にプラセボ錠剤に反応する。
3) ポジティブな態度は治療に役立つが、不可欠なものではない
4) 信じて錠剤を服用するのが重要である。

Patients were told that half would be assigned to an open-label placebo group and the other half to a no-treatment control group. Our rationale had a positive framing with the aim of optimizing placebo response. It was emphasized that each group was critical for the trial.


All patients were told that they would receive educational recommendations for their IBS at the end of the study. After completion of the physical examination and assessments, patients were then randomized using a sequentially numbered opaque sealed envelopes that contained treatment assignments drawn from a computer-generated random number sequence.


Until this point, the patient-provider interaction --- including delivering the persuasive rationale and the explanation of the importance of both groups – was similar for all participants. At this point, during the last moments of the interview, they were told their assignments.


Patients randomized to the open-label placebo group were given a typical prescription medicine bottle of placebo pills with a label clearly marked “placebo pills” “take 2 pills twice daily.” The placebo pills were blue and maroon gelatin capsules filled with 2avicel, a common inert excipient for pharmaceuticals (Bird's Hill Pharmacy, Needham, MA).


Patients in the no treatment arm were reminded of the importance of the control arm. All visits were in the context of a warm supportive patient-practitioner relationship. The midpoint 11 day visit was brief (approximately 15 minutes) and included an opened question regarding adverse events, concomitant medications and a brief physical examination.


After the examination, a treatment-blind researcher administered questionnaires.


Open-label placebo produced significantly higher mean (±SD) global improvement scores (IBS-GIS) at both 11-day midpoint (5.2±1.0 vs. 4.0±1.1, p<.001) and at 21-day endpoint (5.0±1.5 vs. 3.9±1.3, p = .002). Significant results were also observed at both time points for reduced symptom severity (IBS-SSS, p = .008 and p = .03) and adequate relief (IBS-AR, p = .02 and p = .03); and a trend favoring open-label placebo was observed for quality of life (IBS-QoL) at the 21-day endpoint (p = .08).

1) プラセボ効果は強力である。
2) ベルの音で涎をたらすパヴロフの犬のように、人体は自動的にプラセボ錠剤に反応する。
3) ポジティブな態度は治療に役立つが、不可欠なものではない
4) 信じて錠剤を服用するのが重要である。


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