Religious denominations of all kinds have suffered in recent years as donations have declined, with many Catholic parishes closing and synagogues merging their congregations. But the property-financing problems have been concentrated among independent churches, which while seeking to expand lack a governing body to serve as a backstop to financial hardship.そして、もうひとつが金融機関側の動き:
Historically, churches wanting to build turned to their governing bodies or to specialized lenders that originated fixed-rate 25-year to 30-year mortgages.通常の債券だと発行者は、半年ごとにクーポン(金利)を支払い、満期日に元本と最終回のクーポンを支払う。しかし、コンパウンドインタレストボンドだと、満期日まで支払いがなく、満期日に元本と複利をまとめて支払う形になる。そして...
But during the real-estate boom, regional and community banks attracted churches with lower rates on shorter-term loans. At the same time, some bond underwriters began offering churches more money up front if they issued so-called compound-interest bonds. In such cases, churches often paid nothing until the bonds came due years later, but then had to pay both the principal and accrued interest, which often doubled the amount they owed.
Many such bonds come due in the next few years. But with property values down and cash in short supply, many churches won't have the funds to payand will have trouble refinancing. "In 2011 and the next couple of years, we're going to see a big maturity wall hitting these churches," said Scott Rolfs, head of Wisconsin-based investment bank Ziegler and Co.'s Religion and Education practice.また、このような短期ローンやコンパウンドインタレストボンドを使ってなくても、教会施設内に小売店舗スペースをつくって、そこからの賃貸料で安定収入を得ようとした教会も資金難に陥っている場合があるという。テナントの小売店が閉店し、次の借り手が見つからないと、教会は不動産ローンの返済資金に困り、そのときに不動産価値が下落していれば、返済期間を長くして直近の負担を軽くするような借り換えもできず、抵当権行使されることを選択するしかなくなる。
そのような債券は数年で満期日になる。不動産価値が下がり、キャッシュフローが不足すると、返済資金がなくなり、借り換えができなくなる。2011年以降の数年間に満期が来るものが多く、これらが教会に打撃を与えるだろうと、Ziegler銀行のScott Rolfsは言う。