[Statement by Dr. Geri Dawson, Chief Science Officer, Autism Speaks]まだ、明確に何かを言える段階ではないため、明言を避けた形になっている。ただし、Autism Speaks Official Blogには昨年(2010)に、研究動向の紹介記事があり、その中で以下のような図を出して、大多数の自閉症児にはミトコンドリア機能障害はなく、機能障害があっても予防接種と関係がない方が多数であると見られていることを記載している。
Could a vaccine cause a child with Mitochondrial Dysfunction or Disorder to develop autism?
Vaccines stimulate the immune system, which may put stress on the cell function of a child who has asymptomatic mitochondrial dysfunction or disorder such that the child now shows increased symptoms. In an extreme case, the symptoms could involve regression and symptoms of autism.
Are vaccines safe?
For the vast majority of children, yes. However, we need to conduct research to better understand and identify subgroups of children who may respond poorly to vaccines. Research is needed to better understand mitochondrial dysfunction and how it might interact with vaccines and its role in autism.
What is mitochondrial dysfunction?
Mitochondria are the energy producers of our cells. Therefore, if you have a mitochondrial disorder, you lose function of the mitochondria, which leads to problems with energy production in your cells. It can occur in the brain, in the liver, in the heart, in the muscle, in the peripheral nerves etc. - there are many known mitochondrial disorders that will affect any of these organs because our mitochondria are different in different tissues. Mitochondrial dysfunction is when the mitochondria are still functioning, but just not optimally.
What percentage of children with autism suffer from this?
There have been very few cases of mitochondrial disorders reported in autism. However, since individuals with mitochondrial dysfunction may not show symptoms, it is difficult to determine how prevalent it really is. In one small population-based study in Portugal, approximately 5% of individuals with autism had evidence of some mitochondrial disease.
How does mitochondrial dysfunction affect a child?
Some disorders affect single organs, some affect multiple organs. This can result in difficulties with eye movements, motor problems, cardiomyopathy, hearing and vision problems, seizures, and migraines. It's quite variable and symptoms can appear at any age.
How would a vaccine influence a child with MD to cause autism?
An immune stimulation (including any infection) may increase the oxidative stress in cells (which could cause a child with a so far undiagnosed, asymptomatic mitochondrial dysfunction to now show evidence of the dysfunction). But it is also important to remember, an infection is a much greater immune stimulus than a vaccine inoculation.
What percentage of the general population has MD?
We don't know because we don't really know how a minor disruption in mitochondrial function would present and it's difficult to detect, even with repeated testing. In some (most) cases it may even be asymptomatic. Therefore we cannot estimate its prevalence.
Source: Poling, Frye, Shoffner and Zimmerman. “Developmental Regression and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Child With Autism”; Journal of Child Neurology / Volume 21, Number 2, February 2006;21:170–172; DOI 10.2310/7010.2006.00032).
[Robert K. Naviaux, MD, PhD: "Fever Plus Mitochondrial Disease Could Be Risk Factors for Autistic Regression" (2010/03/11) on Autims Speaks Official Blog]
Figure 1. The Findings of Shoffner, et al[1] on Autistic Regression in Children with Mitochondrial Disease and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The current best figures for the point prevalence of ASD in the US (blue circle; 1 in 110)[10], the risk of “definite” mitochondrial disease among children with ASD (4%)[2], and the birth risk of childhood forms of mitochondrial disease (purple circle; 1 in 4000)[8] are represented as Venn diagrams at the top. The Top 10 Shoffner paper studied 28 children within the intersection of these 2 important disease groups. The numbers in purple boxes represent the numbers reported in the study. “FUO” is fever of unknown origin. The standard clinical definitions for “possible”, “probable”, and “definite” mitochondrial disease are referred to as the modified Walker criteria[3].
[1] Shoffner, J., et al. Fever Plus Mitochondrial Disease Could Be Risk Factors for Autistic Regression. J Child Neurol (2009).
[2] Oliveira, G., et al. Epidemiology of autism spectrum disorder in Portugal: prevalence, clinical characterization, and medical conditions. Dev Med Child Neurol 49, 726-733 (2007).
[3] Bernier, F.P., et al. Diagnostic criteria for respiratory chain disorders in adults and children. Neurology 59, 1406-1411 (2002).
[8] Naviaux, R.K. Developing a systematic approach to the diagnosis and classification of mitochondrial disease. Mitochondrion 4, 351-361 (2004).
[10] Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders – Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, United States, 2006. MMWR Surveill Summ 58, 1-20 (2009).