

OregonLiveの2011年2月20日の報道によれば、オレゴン州議会は、これまで宗教を理由に通常医療を受けさせず、信仰療法で子供を死なせた親を免罪してきたオレゴン州法の改正に動き出した。この州法案は、子供を信仰療法で死なせることで有名な宗教団体"Followers of Christ"をターゲットとしている。
Oregon lawmakers will take the first step today toward ending legal protections for parents who rely solely on faith to treat their dying children.

The bill targets the Followers of Christ, an Oregon City church with a long history of children dying from treatable medical conditions. A previous crackdown restricted but did not eliminate religious immunity from state criminal statutes.

オレゴン州議会は本日(2011/02/20)、信仰のみによって瀕死の子供の治療にあたる親に対する法的保護の廃止に向けての一歩を踏み出した。この州法案は、治療可能な病気で子供たちが死んできた長い歴史を持つOregon Cityにある宗教団体Followers of Christを標的としている。これまでの法律の厳格な施行で、州の刑事法令の宗教免除条項を制限したものの廃止には至っていなかった。

Rep. Carolyn Tomei, D-Milwaukie, said deaths of three Followers children in recent years – all without medical intervention – prompted her to introduce the bill. "Such gross and unnecessary neglect cannot be allowed, even if the parents are well-meaning," Tomei said.

The legislation appears primed for approval. It has wide support both political parties, prosecutors, medical providers and child-protection groups, and there is no organized opposition.

"I don't think there'll be anyone coming to testify against it," Tomei said.

Milwaukie選出民主党州下院議員Caroly Tomeiは「過去数年の、治療を受けることなく死亡した3人のFollowers of Christの子供たちの事件を受けて、この州法案を提案した。たとえ両親が善意であったとしても、このようなひどい、そして必然性のないネグレクトを容認すべきではない」と述べた。


House Bill 2721 would remove spiritual treatment as a defense for all homicide charges. Moreover, if found guilty, parents would be subject to mandatory sentencing under Oregon's Measure 11.

Legislators and prosecutors hope the threat of long prison sentences will cause church members to reconsider their tradition of rejecting medical treatment in favor of faith healing.

"This will level the playing field so all parents will be operating under the same rules," said Clackamas County District Attorney John Foote. "It's going to make it easier to hold parents accountable who don't protect their children."


州議会議員および検察は、長期刑の脅威により、信者が信仰療法を選好して通常医療を拒否する伝統を再考することを期待している。「この州法により、すべての親は同じ法規のもとに平等に扱われることになる。子供を保護しなかった親の責任を問いやすくなる。」とClackamas郡地方検事John Footeは述べた。

[Steve Mayers: "Oregon lawmakers appear ready to end legal protections for faith-healing parents"(2011/02/20) on OregonLive]
The Followers appear to be divided on the issue of medical care, according to multiple sources familiar with the congregation. Some take their children to doctors but do so privately to avoid criticism or shunning. Some want to use doctors but fear ostracism. And some are hard-core believers who would never seek medical care.

信者たちに近い複数のソースによれば、"Followers of Christ"信者たちは医療について意見が分かれている。ある者たちは、批判を避けるために、こっそりと子供を医者に連れていく。ある者たちは子供を医者に連れて行きたいが、破門を恐れている。また、ある者たちはハードコアなビリーバーで通常医療を一切求めない。

The two most recent cases to go to trial, involving the deaths of 15-month-old Ava Worthington and her teenage uncle, Neil Beagley, clearly showed that some church members will defy the law, even if it means a prison sentence.

Ava's parents testified that they believed their faith-healing rituals – prayer, anointing with oil, fasting and laying on of hands – were working right to the minute the girl died of bronchial pneumonia and a blood infection.

Beagley's parents testified that they never considered taking their dying son to a hospital or calling 9-1-1, even when he stopped breathing.

15歳のAva Worthingtonとその十代の伯父Neil Beagleyの死を含む、裁判になった最近の2件の殺人事件は、たとえ懲役刑になるとしても、州法に従う気のない信者がいることを誌滅している。



[Steve Mayers: "Oregon lawmakers appear ready to end legal protections for faith-healing parents"(2011/02/20) on OregonLive]
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