
SETIとIDのアナロジーをめぐる戦い (3) DembskiはSETIとのアナロジーを捨てた?


インテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William Dembskiは自らのブログUncommonDescent.Comの2006年6月1日付けのエントリ「Design detection in SETI — just fine; design detection in biology — no way!」において、SETIとIDのアナロジーは成立しないというRobert Campによる批判に対して、反論している:
Skeptics, ever selective in their skepticism, remain convinced that SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a legitimate scientific program. But applying methods of design detection to biology — well that’s just plain stupid. See Robert Camp’s piece here.


Design from biology fairly smacks us over the head. What about design from SETI (i.e., convincing proof of alien intelligence)?
Robert CampにSETIとDembskiの説明フィルタは違うと言われて、論理的反論をせずに、何の成果もないとSETIごと斬っている。SETIとのアナロジーは捨ててしまうみたいだ。

創造論では異星人は存在しないことになっている[AiG:Alien Life / UFO Questions and Answers]。インテリジェントデザインの正当化にSETIが使えないなら、捨ててしまうのにためらいはないだろう。

ほんの半年前、Dr. William Dembskiは2005年12月2日付けのエントリ「“SETI and Intelligent Design”」において、SETI研究でまさに説明フィルタが使われていると主張して、自らの正当性を主張していたのだが....


PvMは「Robert Camp:Can Intelligent Design be considered scientific in the same way that SETI is?」のコメント欄で2006年6月1日に..
Comment #103362
Posted by PvM on June 1, 2006 12:14 PM (e)

Seems that our number one fan, William Dembski has raised some objections to Camp’s excellent analysis. Needless to say, Dembski’s objections are superficial and irrelevant.

おそらく我々のファンNo1であるWilliam Dembskiは、Campのすばらしい分析について反論をアップした。言うまでもなく、Dembskiの反論は表面的で、何の意味もない。


Dembski totally misrepresents Camp’s argument. It is not that SETI is somehow a legitimate program and ID isn’t, it’s that ID’s appeal to SETI to argue that looking for design is part of science already and that science uses ID’s explanatory filter approach, if flawed.
What a wonderful strawman to first make the claim that science excludes intelligent design ‘a priori’ then argue that science actually does include intelligent design and that it uses ID’s explanatory filter, and when that argument is shown to be wrong as well, argue that ID critics are somehow selective in their skepticism for pointing out the flaws in Dembski’s arguments.


Lacking much of any reasoned response to Camp’s article, Dembski now asserts that ‘design in nature smacks us over the head’. Man how vacuous can the arguments by ID activists really be? Now the argument seems to be that while ID is analogous to SETI’s attempt to detect design, it really isn’t as ID is somehow ‘more scientific’ as ‘design hits us over the head in biology’.
Even if we were to take Dembksi’s unsupported claim seriously, design in nature is not the real issue but rather the nature of the designer. So far science has proposed scientific hypotheses.. What does ID have to offer…





DON'T MISS "William Dembski Factors 59!!!"
==> http://www.antievolution.org/people/dembski_wa/natenq_wad.htm

posted by Kumicit at 2006/06/05 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Skeptic | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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