[Public has no delusions on nuclear war (1956/07/11) on Lewiston Daily Sun]これは訓練素材や想定被害情報が作成広報されたことによるもの。
Do you think the area where you live would be wiped out?
あなたの住んでいるところが全滅すると思いますか? (1956/07)
Yes, would be 43% 全滅する
No would not 38% 全滅しない
Not sure, no opinion 19%
Do you think you and your family would be likely to live through an atomic war?
あなたとあなたの家族は核戦争を生き延びられると思いますか? (1956/07)
No, would not 38% 生き延びられない
Yes, would 29% 生き延びられる
Not sure, no opinion 33%
[War? Public not so concerned; only one in five very woried (1961/07/14) on St Petersburg Times]
How worried about all-out nuclear war?
Very worried 22%
Fairly worried 37%
Not at all worried 38%
No opinions 3%
[Threat of Nuclear War over Berlin brings sweeping civil defense (1961/07/24) on The Tuscaloosa News]
A recent opinion poll showed that 71 per cent of Americans favor fallout shelters. Only a few years ago, a different survey showed that one-third of all Americans didn't know anything about radioactive fallout, and only 12 per cent had real graps of how it occurs and what it does.
Edward W. Anacker, Training Officer, Block Warden Division of Los Angeles County, narrates this "Red Alert" message for radio station "L.A. C.D." Remember, "remain calm." This is from the early 1950s.
これはロサンジェルス郡近隣管理局訓練担当官Edward W. Anackerによる、1950年代のロサンジェルス郡民間防衛放送局(LACD)放送用の録音済み空襲警報メッセージ(Red Alert)です。
This is station LACD.
Asking you to keep your radio tuned in, even go off the air temporally.
Alert is now sounding.
Remain calm.
You have 5 to 8 minutes, sufficient time to prepare for your safety, if you do not become panicky.
If you are driving, park immediately. off the street if possible or close against the curbing, away from hydrant and drive ways.
Do not try to reach the destination unless few blocks within.
Take shelter in the nearest building or the safest place available.
If you are at home, carry out the procedures developed under Block Warden Division.
Close outside doors, but do not lock them.
Till blinds upward and cover windows with blankets.
Shut off all appliances being used as gas, electric, oil or water.
But do not turn off main switches ???? unless properly ordered.
Take shelters where previously planned.
Within a hallway or in a room, in a basement or in outdoor bomb shelter if you have either.
Remain close to the outer wall.
Face to away from window.
Get under the table, bench or other steady objects also if possible.
Do not worry about children at school nor those at work.
They are safe as you,
Finally cooperate fully with your Block Wardens.
Effectiveness of civil defence defence depends on cooperations.
You still have 3 to 5 minutes to complee preparations.
Remain where you are, until the all-clear sounds.
Stand by now, keep your radios turned on, station LACD
We will give you more information within a few minutes.
Keep calm
[Majority thinks nuclear war could break out, poll shows (1981/09/27) on Eugene Register Guard]そして、冷戦が終結へ向かうと、核戦争の脅威は遠ざかったと思うようになる。
671 adults in US (by Newsweek)
Any war with the Sovier Uinon would become an all-out nuclear war
(ソ連との戦争は全面核戦争になる) 50%
Both sides would confine themselves to using conventional weapon
(米ソは通常兵器で戦争する) 16%
Q: All-out nuclear war in the next decaede
Certain it would occur 6% 確実に起きる
Good chance it will happen 24% かなり起きそう
some chance 38% まあ起きそう
[Nuclear war anticipated, poll shows (1982/05/18) on The Windsor Star]
1000 people in US (via telephone by ABT Associates
Q: "the United States and the Soviet Union will fight a nuclear war by the year 2000"
西暦2000年までに米ソは核戦争を起こすか? (1982/05)
very likely 20% (かなり起きそう)
somewhat linkely 43% (まあ起きそう)
unlikely 31% (起きなさそう)
[Most in US think limited nuclear war is impossible (1982/05/17) on St. Petersburg Times]
1599 adults in US (via telephone by Associated Press - NBC News)
Any use of nuclear weapn would lead to a full scale world war
(核兵器使用は全面核戦争につながる) 74%
A limited nuclear war is possible
(限定核戦争は可能) 17%
Not sure
(わからない) 8%
[Majority: Nuclear war unlikely (1986/05/17) on St, Joseph News-Press]「核戦争に勝者はいない = 83%」は、「マンハッタンやシカゴやロサンジェルスが蒸発しても自分には関係ないと思っていた田舎者たちに一撃を加えた」1983年の"The Day After"の影響もあるかもしれない。
1512 adults in US (via telephone by Media General - Associated Press )
Q: "nuclear war with Soviet Union in this (20th) century"
ソ連と今世紀中(20世紀)に核戦争が起きるか? (1986/05)
Unlikely 75% (起きなさそう)
Q: "nuclear war with china in this (20th) century"
中国と今世紀中(20世紀)に核戦争が起きるか? (1986/05)
Unlikely 84% (起きなさそう)
[Most see no winner in nuclear war (1987/12/07) on Milwaukee Sentinel]
Q: "No winner in nuclear war"
核戦争に勝者はいない (1987/12)
US: 83%
Soviet Union: 89%
- Jesus Hits Like An Atom Bomb (1950) (2010/12/29)
- "The Day After"差し替えられた演説音声 (2010/12/31)