実際に、類人猿と現生人類の間に越えられない明確な壁があるなら、ホミニドの化石は明確にどちらかに分類できるはずだ。しかし、創造論者たちはそうできていないと、Jim Foleyは指摘する。
[Jim Foley: "Comparison of all skulls" on Talkorigins.org]人類の化石について創造論者たちは見事なグラデーションを形成している、
The following table summarizes the diversity of creationist opinions about some of the more prominent items in the human fossil record.
As this table shows, although creationists are adamant that none of these are transitional and all are either apes or humans, they are not able to agree on which are which. In fact, there are a number of creationists who have changed their opinion on some fossils. They do not even appear to be converging towards a consistent opinion. ...
It could be pointed out that evolutionists also disagree on how fossils should be classified, which species they belong to, etc. True enough. But according to evolutionary thinking, these fossils come from a number of closely related species intermediate between apes and humans. If this is so, we would expect to find that some of them are hard to classify, and we do.
Creationists, on the other hand, assert that apes and humans are separated by a wide gap. If this is true, deciding on which side of that gap individual fossils lie should be trivially easy. Clearly, that is not the case.
- Baker S.: Bone of contention: is evolution true?, Evangelical Press, 1976
- Bowden M.: Ape-men: fact or fallacy? Bromley,Kent:Sovereign, 1981. Ed. 2
- Cuozzo J.W.: Buried alive: the startling truth about Neanderthal man. Green Forest, Arkansas: Master Books, 1998, p.101
- Gish D.T.: Evolution: the fossils say no, San Diego:Creation-Life Publishers, 1979. Ed. 3 (this is the third edition of a book first published in 1972 and was somewhat out of date by 1979)
- Gish D.T.: Evolution: the challenge of the fossil record, El Cajon, CA:Creation-Life Publishers, 1985.
- Line, P.: Fossil evidence for alleged apemen, Technical Journal 19(1):22-42, 2005.
- Lubenow M.L.: Bones of contention: a creationist assessment of human fossils, Grand Rapids,MI:Baker Books, 1992.
- Lubenow M.L.: Bones of contention (2nd edition): a creationist assessment of human fossils, Grand Rapids,MI:Baker Books, 2004.
- Mehlert A.W. : Australopithecus and Homo habilis - pre-human ancestors ? Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, 10.2, 219-40, 1996.
- Menton D.N.: The scientific evidence for the origin of man, 1988. (a creationist essay)
- Taylor P.S.: The illustrated origins answer book, Mesa,Arizona:Eden Productions, 1992. Ed. 4
- Taylor P.S.:Who's who and what's what in the world of "missing" links?, 1996
- Taylor P.S. and Van Bebber M.: Who's who and what's what in the world of "missing" links?, 1995 (an earlier version of Taylor 1996)
2008年にもJim Foleyは、「グルジア共和国Dmanisiで発見された、ホモハビリスとホモエレクトスの中間的な特徴を持つ化石:について、"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリAnswers in Genesisが現代の人間の変異の範囲内と主張し、インテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery InstituteのCasey Luskinが類人猿そのものだと主張していたことを指摘している。
==>Dmanisiの化石は中間化石ではないと言うLuskinとAnswers in Genesis (2008/12/09)