

The Guardianの報道によれば、英国にあるイスラム教徒たちのモスクが次第に過激派たちに手に落ちている。そして、東ロンドンにあるMasjid Trustのモスクもまた、過激派の脅迫を受けている。
[Rowenna Davis: "London imam subjected to death threats for supporting evolution" (2011/03/06) on The Guardian]

Mosque suspends engineering lecturer Usama Hasan for 'antagonising' community and backing women's rights

ロンドンのイマームが進化論を支持したことに対して死の脅威を受けている。モスクは工学講師Usama Hasanを「コミュニティ」を敵に回し、女性の権利を支持したとして礼拝中止に。

An imam of an east London mosque has been subject to death threats and intimidation for expressing his views on evolution and women's right to refuse the veil.

Dr Usama Hasan, vice-chairman at Leyton mosque and a senior lecturer in engineering at Middlesex University, ceased delivering Friday prayers after 25 years of service when 50 Muslim protesters disrupted his lecture by handing out leaflets against him and shouting in the mosque for his execution.


Leytonのモスクの副会長であり、Middlesex Universityの工学の上級講師であるDr. Usama Hasanは、25年間続けてきた金曜の礼拝を中止した。50人のイスラム教徒の抗議者たちが、彼に反対するリーフレットを配り、モスク内で彼の死刑を叫んで講義を中断させた。

A statement from the secretary of the mosque, Mohammad Sethi, that was leaked to extremist websites, said Hasan had been suspended after his lecture resulted in "considerable antagonism" from the community and for his "belief that Muslim women are allowed to uncover their hair in public".

Sethi's letter, dated 24 February, said Hasan's views were in "violation of the constitution of the Masjid Trust" and that the decision had been made for the "safety and security of all parties".

過激派のウェブサイトにリークされたモスクの事務長Mohammad Sethiの声明には「コミュニティからの少なからぬ抵抗と、ムスリムの女性が公衆の面前で髪を見せてもよいという信条を理由にHasanを停職にした」とあった。

2011年2月24日付のSethiの書簡で「Hasanの見方はMasjid Trustの憲章違反であり、すべての当事者の安全とセキュリティのために決定がなされた」とあった。

But Suhaib Hasan, who is the imam's father and chairman of the mosque, posted a counter-statement on the mosque's website on Thursday. It claimed his son had been the victim of a "vicious and predetermined agenda" by a "faction of trustees" and their decision to remove him was void because their meeting was inquorate.

The chairman said the threats and disruption had come largely from Muslims outside the mosque's community.

しかし、イマームの父であり、モスクの会長であるSuhaib Hasanは木曜日にモスクのウェブサイトに対抗声明を出した。それによれば「息子は、理事たちの派閥の悪意に満ちた予め定められたアジェンダの犠牲者であり、息子を排除するという彼らの決定は定足数に達していないため無効である。脅威と妨害の大半はモスクのコミュニティではない外部のムスリムからのものだった」とあった。

The death threats against Hasan were made in an anonymous leaflet handed out by protesters. It quotes religious authorities saying that any Muslim who believes in evolution is an "apostate" who "must be executed".

Hasan says he believes the leaflets were produced by the website Islamic Awakening. The website's leader, Abu Zubair, has led a long campaign against Hasan including making threats when Hasan was delivering a lecture in January.

An online petition against Hasan has apparently attracted 1,100 signatories, although they are not listed publicly. The petition says they are "horrified" by his views on evolution and call for him to be removed before the mosque becomes a "hotbed of modernist extremism".


Hasanは「このリーフレットはウェブサイトIslamic Awakeningが作成したものだと考えている」と述べた。このウェブサイトのリーダーであるAbu Zubairは1月にもHasanの講義中に死の脅威を行うなど、長きにわたってHasanに反対する運動を行ってきた。


Suhaib Hasan said the petition was set up in the name of the mosque illegitimately by trustee Arif Saleem, a man Usama brought on to the trust two years ago after they studied together at Imperial College.

父であるSuhaib Hasanは「抗議声明は違法にArif Saleem理事の名によってなされた。この理事はUsama HasanとともにImperial College学んだ仲で、Usama HasanがMasjid Trustに連れてきた。」と述べた。

Hasan, who has taken out extra security on his house where he lives with his wife and four children, said he was adamant he would not be leaving the mosque, although he would not be returning to give prayers for the time being.

"I'm not leaving," he said. "I've been here for 25 years and I fear that the mosque could fall into the hands of extremists. There are plenty of other mosques in the country that have gone that way. My supporters [at the mosque] don't want that and are encouraging me to stay to fight our corner.

"I've stopped giving prayers because they were interrupted by outsiders who were making some women members feel intimidated. Most people come to the mosque once a week for a quiet space to pray and find peace and inspiration and I want to respect that."

However, he did issue a statement apologising for some of his "inflammatory" statements about evolution and retracted them.

妻と4人の子供ととも暮らす彼の家で特別警戒を行っているUsama Hasanは次のように述べた「私は当分の間は礼拝を行わないが、モスクを離れることは断固としてない。私は離れない。私は25年間モスクにいて、モスクが過激派の手に落ちるのを恐れている。英国にはそうなったモスクが多くある。モスクにいる私の支持者たちはそれを望んでおらず、戦うために私がモスクに留まるよう求めている。



Maajid Nawaz, executive director of the Quilliam Foundation, a thinktank on Islamic extremism where Hasan has worked, expressed concern about the case.

"Dr Hasan comes from strong Islamist routes and is the son of a famous Wahhabi scholar," said Nawaz. "It's terrifying that he is being hounded out of his position. I question the support the police and government have given him, particularly after the prime minister's recent comments that we should be doing more to support Muslims who stand up to extremism.

"Until Cameron's speech, government policy has sent a message that it's OK to be an extremist as long as you don't blow yourselves up. But if extremists like these are left to be the gatekeepers of our communities, we're in real danger."

Hasanが働いている、イスラム過激派に関するシンクタンクQuilliam Foundationの執行役Maajid Nawazは今回の件について懸念を表明した。

「Dr. Hasanは強力なイスラム教徒の道を歩んできた。彼は有名なワッハーブ派の学者の息子である。彼が執拗にその地位を脅かされていることは恐ろしいことだ。特に『我々は過激派に対抗するムスリムにさらなる支持を与えるべきだ』という首相の最近のコメントを見て、私は警察と政府が彼に与えている支持に疑問を持っている。


Hasan said the police had been slow to take the death threats against him seriously, but that they were now monitoring his case.

2011年3月7日から、トルコの創造論者Harun Yahyaが英国ツアーを行う。

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