A new national poll discussed in the Toronto Globe and Mail (March 21, 2011) indicates that 14 percent of Canadians think that God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years, while 19 percent think that humans evolved over time but through divine guidance and 58 percent think that humans evolved through natural selection. The poll, conducted by Ekos Research Associates, surveyed 984 Canadians from March 15 to March 17, 2011;
Toronto Globe and Mail(2011/03/21)が奉じたカナダ全国世論調査結果で、14%のカナダ人が「人間は神よって現在の形態で1万年以内に創造された」 19%が「人間は進化したが神の導きによる」 58%が「人間は自然選択により進化した」と回答した。Ekos Research Associatesによる世論調査は、カナダ人984名に対して2011年3月15〜17日に行われた。
[Polling creationism in Canada (2011/03/22) on NCSE]
Humans were Humans evolved Humans evolved Don’t know
created by God over time but according to / Refuse
within the last through the process of
10,000 year divine guidance natural selection
Total 14.4% 19.3% 58.1% 8.2%
Male 9.5% 18.9% 65.1% 6.5%
Female 18.8% 19.7% 51.7% 9.8%
Age Group
<25 10.0% 12.2% 73.9% 3.9%
25-44 13.1% 18.3% 61.9% 6.7%
45-64 17.3% 20.9% 52.1% 9.8%
64+ 14.4% 21.5% 54.1% 10.1%
Religiosity (attend service past three mos)
Never 6.7% 12.7% 72.6% 8.0%
Once 12.2% 24.9% 56.3% 6.6%
More 38.4% 32.5% 22.9% 6.1%
Left 7.5% 15.6% 74.2% 2.7%
Center 16.6% 16.7% 51.2% 15.6%
Right 22.4% 26.9% 42.3% 8.4%
[EKOS Research Associates: Expertise, Politics and Democracy (2011/03/18) ]