

福島第一原発の事故により、ホメオパシーが放射線被曝に効くと言う主張がわんさか登場している[google: homeopathy radiation]。商売熱心と言うほかない。

そんな中で、米国のホメオパシー団体のひとつNational Center for Homeopathyが婉曲表現を使った声明を出している。
[National Center for Homeopathy: "Homeopathy and Nuclear Radiation Sickness" (2011/03/25)

Statement from The National Center for Homeopathy

There is a great deal of concern around the world about radioactive fallout from Japan’s damaged nuclear reactors. In turn we’re seeing a great deal of discussion in articles, blogs and social media on the subject of homeopathy in the prevention of nuclear radiation related illness and treatments of nuclear radiation sickness.


The National Center for Homeopathy monitors research and best practices in all aspects of homeopathy and we want to stress that to our knowledge homeopathy has NOT been effectively studied clinically or in practice, to “prevent” toxicity from radiation exposure. Anyone who has concerns about possible exposure to radiation should consult public health officials and their own personal health care providers immediately.

"National Center for Homeopathy"はホメオパシーのあらゆる面についての研究と最良の治療をモニタしており、我々は自身の知識に基づき、被曝による害の「予防」に関するホメオパシーの効果的な臨床研究がなされていないことを強調したい。被曝したとの懸念を持つ人は、公衆衛生当局および主治医にただちに相談すること。

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats illness based on an individual’s unique symptoms. To the extent that individuals exposed to nuclear radiation from such disasters may exhibit similar symptoms, Professional homeopathic practitioners may identify homeopathic remedies that are useful in treating those symptoms. WE MUST MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO BE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND - radiation exposure can cause serious illness that is not self-limiting, so we do not recommend individuals attempt to treat themselves exclusively with homeopathic remedies.

  • "homeopathy has NOT been effectively studied clinically"(ホメオパシーの効果的な臨床研究がなされていない)
    ==>ホメオパシーが効くと証明する研究はない and/or ホメオパシーが効かないことを確認した研究がある
  • "we do not recommend individuals attempt to treat themselves exclusively with homeopathic remedies" (ホメオパシーだけを使った自己治療することを推奨しない)

posted by Kumicit at 2011/04/05 08:18 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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