- 年間平均出力は発電容量の30%に満たない
- 年間の1/3の時間は発電容量の10%以下しか発電できていない
- 6.38日に1回、平均4.93時間にわたって、20MW(調査対象期間の発電容量は1600MWから2400MWへ増強中)しか発電できない状態が出現する
- 低出力なときと需要のピークが重なったことが4回ある
The basis for calculation of average output is the actual output expressed as a percentage of metered capacity over the specified period.次は5分間の発電量が発電容量が30%以上・20〜30%・10〜20%・5〜10%・2.5〜5%・1.25〜2.5%・1.25%以下がどのくらいの頻度で起きているかの統計:
Average outputs from metered wind farms were:
2008 (November and December only) 31.72%
2009 27.18%
2010 21.14%
2009/2010 23.63%
2008/2009/2010 24.08%
[Stuart Young Consulting: "Analysis of UK Wind Power Generation -- November 2008 to December 2010", March 2011]
Time at Banded Generation Output Levels発電容量の1.25%以下しか発電できていない時間が3%程度ある。
The numbers of five minute periods with generation in each band were abstracted and expressed as a percentage of total time in each band:
OUTPUT LEVELS 2008-2010 2008 2009 2010 2009/2010
Time over 30% capacity 33.44 47.22 38.55 26.02 32.29
Time 20-30% 12.70 9.14 13.90 12.09 13.00
Time 10-20% 20.45 15.06 18.56 23.25 20.91
Time 5-10% 15.47 10.09 14.04 17.80 15.92
Time 2.5-5% 9.79 9.88 8.68 10.88 9.78
Time 1.25-2.5% 5.06 5.08 4.33 5.80 5.06
Time <1.25% 3.09 3.53 1.94 4.16 3.05
[Stuart Young Consulting]
Incidence of Very Low Wind Events (風力発電の超低出力イベント)20MWとしか発電できないという、事実上、英国全体の風力発電が止まった状態が6.38日に1回起きて、それが4.93時間継続する。
The record was scrutinised for “Very Low Wind Events”. Periods in which generation from the total metered capacity was 10MW or less and 20MW or less were identified and recorded, regardless of the level of metered capacity at the time. (The average metered capacity over the study period was in excess of 1600MW so these represented very small percentages of capacity whenever they occurred).
10MW Events
Frequency: 791 days divided by 51 = 15.51 days
Duration: 2662 five minute periods divided by 51 = 52.2 periods = 4.35 hours
頻度: 15.51日に1回
継続時間: 平均4.35時間
20MW Events
Frequency: 791 days divided by 124 = 6.38 days
Duration: 7330 five minute periods divided by 124 = 59.11 periods = 4.93 hours
頻度: 6.38日に1回
継続時間: 平均4.93時間
[Stuart Young Consulting]
Coincidence of Peak Demand with Low Wind Output現時点では風力発電への依存度は小さいので問題ないが、依存度を高めた場合、深刻な電力不足が生じる可能性を無視できない。
7th JANUARY 2010 17.05 HRS 59541 75 1588 4.72
7th DECEMBER 2010 17.20 HRS 60191 134 2430 5.51
20th DECEMBER 2010 17.20 HRS 60017 62 2430 2.55
21st DECEMBER 2010 17.30 HRS 59405 61 2430 2.51
[Stuart Young Consulting]
PUMPED STORAGE HYDRO (揚水発電)現時点での発電量(発電容量2400MWで30%出力)からすれば、その出力を補えるのは44時間程度(Foyersを22時間と仮定すると)である。
Pumped storage hydro is frequently cited as the solution to long periods of low wind output. However, if all four UK pumped storage plants were to be run simultaneously at full capacity, the stored water would be exhausted in around 24 hours. Once exhausted, the reservoirs can only be replenished when there is a surplus of generation over demand, and it takes longer to replenish the reservoirs than it does to empty them.
Plant Dinorwig Ffestiniog Cruachan Foyers
Capacity 1728MW 360MW 400MW 300MW
Duration at peak output 5 hours 20 hours 22 hours Not found
[Stuart Young Consulting]
以上から、Stuart Young Consultingは以下の風力発電の神話が誤りであると指摘している。
- Wind turbines will generate on average 30% of their rated capacity over a year
風力発電は年間平均で発電容量の30%発電している。 - The wind is always blowing somewhere.
風はどこかで常に吹いている。 - Periods of widespread low wind are infrequent.
広域での微風状態はあまり起きない - The probability of very low wind output coinciding with peak electricity demand is slight.
風力発電が低出力になっているときとピーク需要が偶然に重なる確率は非常に小さい - Pump storage hydro can fill the generation gap during prolonged low wind periods
なお、Stuart Young Consultingによる調査方法は以下のように公開情報に基づくものである。
National Grid (NG) has been publishing electricity generation by fuel type data every five minutes on its NETA website www.bmreports.com since 1st November 2008. This covers generation from all conventional industrial generators by fuel type, and from a large proportion of the industrial wind generation installations in UK.
There is no central instantly-accessible record of all industrial wind generated electricity. NG can only “see” the generation which is metered at the point of connection to the transmission system under NG’s control and where it has operational metering.
これに対して、BBCの2011年4月6日の報道によれば、再生可能エネルギー推進団体Scottish Renewablesの代表Jenny Hoganは次のように反論している。
However, Jenny Hogan, director of policy for Scottish Renewables, said no form of electricity worked at 100% capacity, 100% of the time.
She said: "Yet again the John Muir Trust has commissioned an anti-wind farm campaigner to produce a report about UK onshore wind energy output.
"It could be argued the trust is acting irresponsibly given their expertise lies in protecting our wild lands and yet they seem to be going to great lengths to undermine renewable energy which is widely recognised as one of the biggest solutions to tackling climate change - the single biggest threat to our natural heritage.
"We have yet to hear the trust bring forward a viable alternative to lower emissions and meet our growing demand for safe, secure energy."
John Muir Trustは反風力発電運動から英国での風力発電出力のレポートを作る費用を受け取っている。
John Muir Trustは野生の土地を守るために自分たちの専門知識を無責任に使い、我々に対する自然最大の脅威である気候変動と戦うための最大のソリューションとして認められている再生可能エネルギーを蝕もうとしていると言える。
我々はJohn Muir Trustが、排出量を低減し、安全確実なエネルギーへの需要に対する代替案を提示したのを見たことがない。