[German nuclear freeze manageable-regulator (2011/04/06) by Reuters]今回の原子力モラトリアムはドイツの脱原発計画の先取りとなるとのこと。これは、日本にはできないが、周辺諸国からの電力輸入が可能なドイツで、送電線を増強すること可能かもしれない。
Neighbouring countries supply more power after closures
* Focus on summer months if seven old reactors stay shut
FRANKFURT/BONN, Germany, April 6 (Reuters) - Electricity imports from neighbours and a seasonal dip in demand will cushion Germany from power price spikes while its old reactors are shut, its energy regulator said on Wednesday.
Berlin's temporary nuclear freeze has made Europe's biggest economy a more attractive market for nuclear power producers such as France's EDF (EDF.PA) and Czech CEZ (CEZPsp.PR).[ID:nPRG004844]
Mathias Kurth of the Bundesnetzagentur agency said that its efforts to introduce new cross-border connections and boost exisiting ones within Europe were a success in the crisis.
Chancellor Angela Merkel's government on March 15 ordered nuclear capacity of over 7,000 megawatt (MW) shut until at least June after a tsunami crippled a Japanese plant.
That pushed up German wholesale prices for delivery in 2012 by 13.2 percent from 53 euros to 60 euros a megawatt hour.
"One good sign is that power prices reacted relatively calmly," Kurth said in a statement.
"If we consider that they peaked at 90 MWh in June 2008, there is no cause for drama." The power prices peak three years ago in the summer came in connection with record oil prices.
ベルリンによる原子力発電の一時的凍結により、欧州最大の経済であるドイツは、フランスEDFやチェコCEZのような原子力発電会社にとって、より魅力的な市場となった。連邦ネット庁のMathias Kurthは「新たな国際接続と欧州内の既存分の増強は、危機のなかでの成果である」と述べた。
Over the past three weeks, Germany has turned from net exporter to net importer of electricity, receiving on average 2,500 MW a day, said Kurth.
A market coupling scheme last November created links spanning the Nordic countries through to Germany, the Benelux countries and France.
Kurth said that German grid operators were analysing how to deal with grid stability in the coming months when the seven plants remain switched off.
Weather patterns will curb wind power supply in the spring when also many thermal power plants close for maintenance.
He said that weaker demand would be a helpful factor, as would seasonally higher solar power production.
Germany's temporary nuclear reactor closures may be the precursor for a faster-than-planned exit from nuclear altogether as voter majorities are gas shifting against it.
Kurth also said his agency had approved billions of euros worth of projects for expanding transmission grids and linking up offshore wind parks but they needed to be speeded up.
Projects typically take 15 years to materialise but this should be cut to five if more green power is conected more quickly, he said.
[electricity from France, Germany doubled Import (2011/04/04) on Economic Newspaper]電力会社RWEは、輪番停電の実施もあるかもしれないと主張している。
The electricity supply in Germany has been the temporary closure of the seven oldest nuclear power plants rely more on imports from France. The Federal Republic has become the net exporter to net importer of electricity, says the Federal Association of Energy and Water. The government denies this, RWE is feared a blackout in southern Germany.
entry into force of the nuclear moratorium, Germany imports apparently twice as much electricity from France as in the past. Adds that the Federal Republic has become the net exporter to net importer of electricity, said the Federal Association of Energy and Water (BDEW) at the Hannover Messe.
Since 17 Accordingly, in March, Germany imported 50 gigawatt-hours a day more than it exported. “Have the power flows from France and the Czech Republic doubled,” said Hildegard Müller BDEW boss. France has Europe by far the most nuclear reactors, they account for more than three-quarters of the electricity in the neighboring country. Czech Republic relies mainly on coal power plants and about one-quarter to nuclear power. Critics of the nuclear moratorium, the federal government had indicated that it do not make sense in Germany to shut down nuclear power plant, then cover missing quantity by nuclear power or climate-damaging coal electricity from abroad.
原子力モラトリアムの発効により、ドイツはフランスからの電力をこれまでに2倍輸入するようになった。さらに、ドイツ連邦共和国は電力の純輸出国から純輸入国になったと、Hannover Messeのエネルギー・水道業界団体BDEWは述べた。3月17日から、ドイツは毎日50GWh以上の電力を輸入するようになった。「フランスおよびチェコからの電力輸入は2倍になった」とBDEWのトップであるHildegard Müllerは述べた。フランスは欧州最大の原発保有国であり、3/4以上の電力を原子力に依存している。チェコ共和国は主として石炭火力を使い、1/4を原子力で発電している。原子力モラトリアムの反対者たちは、ドイツが原発を止めても、不足分を国外の原発や環境にダメージを与える石炭火力で補っているので、意味がないと言っている。
Since the moratorium on nuclear (原子力モラトリアム)
affected seven German nuclear power plants on 17 March, ceased production, electricity production in Germany went according BDEW around 120 gigawatt-hours back a day. This was reflected also in a decline in electricity exports to the Netherlands and Switzerland against by about half, as Mueller said. The two countries are the main customer countries Germany’s electricity. At the same time, according BDEW increased the prices on the electricity exchange in Leipzig on average by about twelve percent.
The federal government is, according to its spokesman Steffen Seibert currently assessing the impact of the moratorium on the German electricity market. A spokeswoman for the Federal Environment Ministry said that even before the current moratorium had been imported from France. They disagreed, however, the representation that Germany is overall a net importer of electricity has become: “. We remain net exporter of electricity”
影響を受けたドイツの7の原発は3月17日に、発電を停止し、BDEWによれば毎日120GWhの電力が供給できなくなっている。Müllerによれば、オランダ及びスイスへの電力輸出は半減した。この2国はドイツの電力の主要顧客だった。同時にBDEWによれば、Leipzig電力取引所の価格は平均20%上昇した。ドイツ連邦政府はSteffen Seibert広報官によれば、ドイツ電力市場へのモラトリアムの影響を調査中である。連邦環境省の広報官は「現在のモラトリアム発効以前から電力をフランスから輸入していたが、ドイツは電力の純輸入国にはなっていない。我々は電力の純輸出国である」と述べた。
blackout in southern Germany?
RWE manager, and former Senator Fritz Hamburg Environmental Vahrenholt (SPD), meanwhile, warned against a blackout in southern Germany. This was currently being prevented only by the significant electricity imports from France and the Czech Republic, Vahrenholt said the “world”.
More imports are not possible: “The lines are busy from there until it stops,” said the head of RWE’s renewable energy, Innogy. Unless the generation and transmission of electricity from renewable energy sources would be expanded rapidly in southern Germany feared “such an extreme deprivation”, “that in order to avoid blackouts, industrial companies and even entire cities have to be shut down.” Also be expected to increase electricity prices.
電力会社RWEのマネージャであり、元Hamburg上院議員であるSPDのFritzx Vahreholtは、南ドイツのブラックアウトを警告する。これが阻止されているのは、フランスおよびチェコ共和国からの大量電力輸入があるからだ。これ以上の輸入は不可能だ。「送電線の限界である」とRWEの再生可能エネルギー部門のトップは言う。「再生可能エネルギーによる発送電が急速に拡大しない限り、そのような極端な電力不足が南ドイツで起きる怖れがあり、ブラックアウトを避けるために、企業どころか都市全体を停電にする必要ができてくる。さらに電力価格も上昇する」
[Tony Czuczka and Nicholas Comfort: "Merkel Warms to Carbon Capture as Energy Shift Takes Shape" (2011/04/13) on Bloomberg]排出された二酸化炭素を地下に封じ込めることで、石炭火力を推進する方針のようだ。
Germany’s two biggest utilities, E.ON AG (EOAN) and RWE AG (RWE), rose in Frankfurt trading today as ministers in Berlin agreed on legislation to permit so-called carbon capture and storage, or CCS. German utilities have pressed for laws that would allow carbon-dioxide emissions from coal-fired power stations to be permanently stored underground since at least November 2009.
Frankfurut取引所の上場しているドイツの2大電力会社EDANとRWEは、本日、ドイツ政府と、いわゆる"carbon caputure and storage"(CCS)を可能とする法案について合意した。ドイツの電力会社は遅くとも2009年11月から、石炭火力発電所から排出される二酸化炭素を恒久的に地下の保存することを許可する法律を求めてきた。
Carbon capture is “merely a figleaf” for building new coal-fired plants, environmental group Friends of the Earth Germany said in an e-mailed statement, urging Merkel to promote renewable energy and gas instead.
"Carbon capture"は石炭火力発電所を建設するために"隠蔽物"にすぎないと、環境保護団体"Friends of the Earth Germany"はメールでの声明で述べて、メルケル政権にガスではなく再生可能エネルギーの推進を求めた。
“Those people who oppose nuclear power will have to support other technologies, and given solar panels and wind parks won’t immediately suffice, carbon capture and storage will have to be developed,” Michael Schaefer, a Frankfurt-based Equinet AG analyst, said in a March 29 interview.
Frankfurtを本拠地とするEquinet AGのアナリストMichael Schaeferは「原発に反対する人は、別のテクノロジーを支持すべきだ。太陽電池や風力発電はすぐには十分な量を発電できない。carbon capture and storageを開発する必要がある」と述べた。
しかし、CCS(carbon capture and storage)は原発同様に歓迎されざる施設である。
[Tony Czuczka and Nicholas Comfort: "Merkel Warms to Carbon Capture as Energy Shift Takes Shape" (2011/04/13) on Bloomberg]法案が成立しても、現実に施設が建設できるかどうかは危ういかもしれない。
“CCS is the next big political hot potato because no one wants that kind of facility built next to them,” Bernhard Jeggle, an analyst with Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg in Stuttgart, said by phone. “If the government strongly commits itself to CCS, this strategy will be pushing additional voters into the hands of the Green party.”
「CCSは次なる政治課題となるだろう。というのは、そんな施設が近所にできることを誰も望まないからだ。政府が強力にCCS推進に関与するなら、さらに緑の党への投票を増やすことになる」と、StuttgartのLandesbank Baden-WuerttembergのアナリストBernhard Jeggleは電話インタビューで述べた。