

Reutersの2011年4月15日付の報道によれば、ドイツ連邦Merkel政権は、原子力からの迅速な離脱のために、"six point plan"を調整中である。

  1. 再生可能エネルギー、特に風力発電の増強
  2. 北部の風力発電から、南部の消費地への送電網の増強
  3. 建物の効率の向上(エネルギー消費の削減)
  4. 風力発電の出力不安定を補償するガス火力の増強
  5. ネットワークおよび電力ストレージの研究開発の推進
  6. 国民負担の増加と、政府による国民との対話

[FACTBOX-German government six-point plan for energy (2011/04/15) by Reuters]

FRANKFURT, April 15 (Reuters) - Leaders of German states met with the federal government on Friday to discuss a speedy exit from nuclear power, and firms were asked to invest massively in other forms of energy generation.

Germany's leadership wants to shore up renewables and take a tough line on nuclear power, which is already temporarily at half its total capacity due to special safety tests ordered in the wake of the Japan disaster.

As voter majorities shift strongly against nuclear, Chancellor Angela Merkel has coordinated with her environment and economy minsters a six-point-plan to serve as a basis for a new energy strategy that takes into account the change in sentiment. It will form the context of discussions.

Reuters obtained a copy of the six-point programme. Details herewith:



有権者の過半数は原子力に強く反対するようになっており、Angela Merkel連邦首相は、環境相およびエネルギー相とともに、国民感情の変化を考慮した新たなエネルギー戦略の基礎となる"six-point-plan"を調整している。


1. Renewable expansion 再生可能エネルギーの拡大

Power from sources such as wind, solar and biomass accounted for 17 percent of the total in 2010. In future, green energy is meant to play a much bigger role, especially wind. Many onshore installations are to be revamped or replaced by more efficient ones. Offshore energy, so far a tiny part, will be expanded heavily. A 5 billion euro ($7.2 billion) renewable credit programme backed by state-owned bank KfW is planned for this spring. Applications for offshore wind parks are to be fast-tracked, if the government plans go ahead.


2. Grids and storage expansion グリッドと電力ストレージの拡大

Transmission and distribution grids for power must be expanded fast to bring electricity from wind turbines in the country's north to southern German consumption centres. Under the government plan, applications for power grids will be given better legal backing, and funds will be set aside to compensate municipalities affected by huge building programmes.


3. Efficiency 効率

The government aims to cut heat requirements of buildings by 20 percent up to 2020 by sponsoring insulation and other measures via KfW, and by giving tax incentives.


4. Flexible power plants. フレキシブルな発電所

The government recommends a quick expansion of flexible power generation capacity, namely gas, to backstop renewables when weather conditions that do not favour renewables.

Gas was largely ignored in last autumn's energy strategy, but gas-to-power will be reassessed due to its quick construction time and ability to provide full capacity within a short time span. In order to stimulate competition, the government wants small operators, rather than the big four utilities, to invest in gas.



5 R&D refocus 研究開発

The government plans a new energy research programme for the spring that would increase funds for the study of networks and power storage to 500 million euros by 2020.


6. Citizen involvement 市民の参加

The government recognises that citizens must be invited to participate in a dialogue about the transformation of energy supply, because they will have to accept new infrastructure and higher costs.

German investment plans for a Stuttgart railway station and coal-to-power plants have been paralysed in recent years by citizens' action to enforce debates on public concerns and provide platforms for opposing views.



この"six point plan"では明言されていないが、Merkel政権はガス火力とともに、石炭火力の増強も必要だと考えている:
It will also require building new gas and coal plants, Merkel said. "Gas and coal power plants were discussed... an accelerated exit from nuclear energy will lead to replacement power stations," she said.

[Germany debates how to dump nuclear (2011/04/15) by Reuters]
石炭火力を推進するために、そこから排出される二酸化炭素の対策が必要になる。Merkel政権は、このために、電力会社の求めに応じて、CCS(carbon capture and storage)の建設を可能とする法案を出すようである。
Germany’s two biggest utilities, E.ON AG (EOAN) and RWE AG (RWE), rose in Frankfurt trading today as ministers in Berlin agreed on legislation to permit so-called carbon capture and storage, or CCS. German utilities have pressed for laws that would allow carbon-dioxide emissions from coal-fired power stations to be permanently stored underground since at least November 2009.

Frankfurut取引所の上場しているドイツの2大電力会社EDANとRWEは、本日、ドイツ政府と、いわゆる"carbon caputure and storage"(CCS)を可能とする法案について合意した。ドイツの電力会社は遅くとも2009年11月から、石炭火力発電所から排出される二酸化炭素を恒久的に地下の保存することを許可する法律を求めてきた。

[Tony Czuczka and Nicholas Comfort: "Merkel Warms to Carbon Capture as Energy Shift Takes Shape" (2011/04/13) on Bloomberg]

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