QUESTION: One of the big fights in the United States is often over whether evolution should be taught in shcools or not. So it’s still clearly a problem with some religious believers. Why do you think that’s so?科学と敵対しながら、自らを科学だと称する創造科学者たち。その矛盾する態度の理由がよくわかる説明だ。
MR. NUMBERS: In the United States, roughly one-half of Americans continue to believe in the special creation of the first human beings no more than 10,000 years ago. There are many reasons why they do this. But for most of them, they don't see their embracing of special creation as a rejection of science. They handle this by arguing that evolution is so speculative, so hypothetical that it doesn't deserve the good name of science, and they are told by fundamentalists - especially by "creation scientists" - that there is an alternative model of the history of life on Earth that is as scientific as the one that evolutionists have created. [[Editors note - for more on "creation science" see the Evolution section entry on Creationism]]
QUESTION: So, in a certain sense, doesn't this represent some sort of divide between religion and science?
MR. NUMBERS: To me, the struggle in the late 20th Century between creationists and evolutionists does not represent another battle between science and religion because rarely do creationists display hostility towards science. If you read their literature, you'll rarely come across an anti-scientific notion. They love science. They love what science can do. They hate the fact that science has been hijacked by agnostics and atheists to offer such speculative theories as organic evolution. So, they don't see themselves as being antagonistic to science any more than many of the advocates of evolution - those who see evolution as God's method of creation - view themselves as hostile to Christianity.
QUESTION: In fact, creation scientists are themselves very concerned to make their views scientific. Could you explain their idea of "flood geology"?
MR. NUMBERS: The primary theory underlying creation science is something called flood geology, which attributes virtually all of the geological fossil bearing strata to Noah's flood, a timsespan of about one year. Now, this means that all of the history of life on Earth can be telescoped down to a mere six, seven, or ten thousand years. The most vocal advocates of this position have been scientists themselves, especially in recent years, and they see this as an alternative scientific model, rather than as a refutation of science.
その傾向は、特に1980年代末に立ち上がったKen Hamが主宰する"若い地球の創造論"サイトAnswers in Genesisの「Arguments we think creationists should NOT use (創造論者が使ってはいけない論)」に見られる。
とはいえ、たとえばDr. Walt Brownがくりだすノアの洪水の説明としてのHydroplate Theory[Center for Scientific Creation]は、とても作為的な初期条件(創造6日間の仕込み)を必要とする。そして、7日目以降についてもSFとしては説明はとおっているが、科学としては無理であることに変わりはないのだが。