==>インテリジェントデザイン理論は検証可能な予測をつくれそうにない... (2011/05/10)
I consider the first of these to be a basic hypothesis of ID, which is so obvious to ID researchers that they often forget to make explicit mention of it. It is,いずれの定義も、うまくいっていない。しかし、定性的には間違っていない。
1. Creating integrated, highly functional machines is a difficult task.
This statement seems obvious to many engineers and others who construct complex systems for a living. As an informal statement, it is fairly straightforward. Yet as stated, it is not mathematically precise, since I have not defined “integrated, highly functional machines” nor “difficult task.” ID researchers have long conducted research to define precisely what separates an integrated, highly functional system from one that is not, attempting to define these terms in a quantifiable way.
1. インテグレートされた、高度な機能を持つ機械を創るのは難しいタスクである。
The second hypothesis, much like the first, is so obvious that it often fails to be mentioned explicitly. It is,世の中では最適解探索をGA/GPでゴリ押しすることもあるので、必ずしも正しいとは言えないが、おおよそ間違っていない。
2. Intelligent agents have causal powers that unintelligent causes do not, at least on short enough timescales.
Who would argue with such a statement? Even ardent materialists, who view all intelligent agents as mechanical devices, are forced to admit that some configurations of matter can do things that other configurations cannot, such as write novels and create spacecraft, at least when we limit the time and probabilistic resources involved. If this were not the case, then why pay humans to perform certain tasks? Why not simply let nature run its course and perform the same work? Intelligent agents are at very least catalysts, allowing some tasks to be performed much more rapidly than is possible in their absence.
2. インテリジェントエージェントは少なくとも短時間のタイムスケールでは、アンインテリジェントな原因が持たない因果力を持っている。
ID theorists place the task of creating integrated, functionally complex machines in the group of tasks that are within the reach of intelligent agents yet outside the reach of unintelligent mechanisms, on the timescale of earth history. We can call this the third basic premise of ID, as currently modeled. It can be restated as,あらゆる自然現象の可能性が消し去れれば、外からの介入を想定するのは間違いではない。
3. Unintelligent causes are incapable of creating machines with certain levels of integration and function given 4.5 billion years, but intelligent causes are capable.
While we may dispute the truth of this statement, we cannot argue that it isn’t at least hinted at by the other two basic ID hypotheses.
3, 45億年では、あるレベルのインテグレーションと機能を持つ機会を創ることは、アンインテリジェントな原因には不可能だが、インテリジェントな原因には可能である。