==>予言が破綻することでカルトが信念を強化するか検証する機会 (2011/05/13)
“Knowing the date of the end of the world changes all your future plans,” says 27-year-old Adrienne Martinez.終末の予言にありがちな、何も残らない人々。
She thought she’d go to medical school, until she began tuning in to Family Radio. She and her husband, Joel, lived and worked in New York City. But a year ago, they decided they wanted to spend their remaining time on Earth with their infant daughter.
“My mentality was, why are we going to work for more money? It just seemed kind of greedy to me. And unnecessary,” she says.
「世界終末の日付を知ることは、すべての将来計画を変えます」と27歳のAdrienee Martinezは言う。
彼女はFamilyRadio [2011/5/21がラプチャーの日と予言したHarold Campingのラジオ]に転向するまで、医大に行くつもりだった。彼女と夫Joelはニューヨーク市に住んで働いていた。しかし、1年前、地球最後の日を幼い娘とともに過ごそうと決めた。
And so, her husband adds, “God just made it possible − he opened doors. He allowed us to quit our jobs, and we just moved, and here we are.”
Now they are in Orlando, in a rented house, passing out tracts and reading the Bible. Their daughter is 2 years old, and their second child is due in June. Joel says they’re spending the last of their savings. They don’t see a need for one more dollar.
“You know, you think about retirement and stuff like that,” he says. “What’s the point of having some money just sitting there?”
“We budgeted everything so that, on May 21, we won’t have anything left,” Adrienne adds.
[BARBARA BRADLEY HAGERTY: "Is The End Nigh? We'll Know Soon Enough" (2011/05/07) on NPR viaChris Mooney]
"If I'm here on May 22, and I wake up, I'm going to be in hell," says Brown. "And that's where I don't want to be. So there is going to be a May 22, and we don't want to be here."ラプチャーされない人々は地獄行き確定なわけで、日曜日(2011/05/22)にそれに直面した人々はどうするのだろうか?
信者のひとりKevin Brownは「5月22日に、ここで目覚めたとしたら、私は地獄に行くことになります。私は地獄へ行きたくはありません。なので、5月22日に、ここにいたくはありません」
[BARBARA BRADLEY HAGERTY: "Is The End Nigh? We'll Know Soon Enough" (2011/05/07) on NPR via Chris Mooney]