A California woman named Lyn Benedetto was one of millions who heard Camping's message, and became concerned that her daughters would suffer terribly in the coming apocalypse. She allegedly forced her daughters, 11 and 14, to lie on a bed and then cut their throats with a box cutter. She then tried to kill herself, though police arrested Benedetto and all three survived.
Lyn Benedettoというカリフォルニアの女性はCampingのメッセージを聞いた数百万人のひとりで、彼女の娘たちはアポカリプスが来るのを非常に怖がっていることを心配するようになった。彼女は、11歳と14歳の娘をベッドに横になるように言って、ボックスカッターで彼女らの喉を切った。そして、彼女は自殺を試みたが、警察はBenedettoを逮捕し、3人は生き延びた。
Others were not so lucky. An elderly man in Taiwan reportedly killed himself on May 5 ahead of the Rapture by jumping out of a building. He had heard that doomsday was imminent, and had taken recent earthquakes and tsunamis as early warning signs.
There were other unconfirmed reports of doomsday-related suicides around the world as well.
[Failed Doomsday Has Real Deadly Consequences (2011/05/23) by LiveScience]
A 14-year-old girl Russian girl was so scared by the doomsday predictions of Californian evangelist Harold Camping that she hanged herself, investigators said Wednesday.
14歳のロシアの少女が、カリファルニア州の福音主義者Harold Campingの審判の日の予言に怯えて首吊りをしたと、水曜日に捜査当局が述べた。
[Russian Teen Committed Suicide on Eve of Predicted 'Rapture' (2011/05/25) ]
Family RadioのHarold Campingによる2011年5月21日は審判の日という予言を信じて自殺を試みた人々がいたことが報道されている。