Cosmological fine-tuning for the existence of life is so well established that it is essentially beyond question at this point, unless one is willing to put blind faith in wildly-fantastic speculation about an infinitude of in-principle undetectable alternative universes. A huge amount of complex, specified information was clearly infused into the origin-of-the-universe process.特に論拠なく、宇宙版IDたるファインチューニング論を謳い上げたGilDodgenだった。フロントローディングと介入の差がないと、わかったような、わからないこと言っている。そして、このエントリに対して、不適切なコメントが掲載されないはずのモデレートされたコメント欄は冷たかった
Not only did matter, energy, space, and the physical laws of the universe come into existence at this point, but time itself did as well. This means that the cause of the universe must exist outside of matter, energy, space, the physical laws of the universe, and even time.
This raises an interesting question about design and temporal supernatural intervention: If the source of the universe exists outside of time itself, does the objection of “periodic temporal intervention in the affairs of the universe” even have any meaning, from an outside-of-the-physical-universe’s-unidirectional-time-line perspective? In other words, from a perspective that transcends time itself, is there any difference between the moment of the creation of the universe and any other moment in the history of the universe?
これは、デザインと超自然の時間的な介入について面白い問いを挙げる。もし宇宙の源が時間そのものの外側に存在するなら、物理的宇宙の外側の一定方向の時間線の見方から、"宇宙の状況への周期的な時間的な介入"の反論は意味を持つだろうか? 言い換えるなら、時間自体を超越する見方からすれば、宇宙の創造の瞬間と、宇宙の歴史のその他の瞬間に違いはあるだろうか?
Comment by avocationist
Yes. But purely in an aesthetic sense. Haphazardly distributing interventions within the “apparent” timeline, even from an exterior eternal perch, is generally regarded as poor form. At least it is according to a recent poll of influential transdimensional beings.
Comment by great_ape
The kalam argument is an argument for God’s existence. Why do you guys spend so much time on God’s existence, when God doesn’t necessitate ID and (supposedly) ID doesn’t necessitate God?
Comment by skiddlybop
What, they conduct polls by seance now?
Comment by Patrick
Cosmological fine-tuning for the existence of life is so well established that it is essentially beyond question at this point…
I think you should have ended this with a period.
If any aspect of the universe is the effect, and the effect is natural, isn’t the cause of that effect by definition also natural?
Comment by Mung
The universe can only be regarded as fine-tuned if we know that there even was wiggleroom in “tuning” the constants. We don’t know that, so any talk about fine-tuning is pure speculation and wishful thinking, hardly well-established.
Comment by Raevmo
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