

Journal of Consumer Researchに掲載された研究によれば、無邪気で非合理的だと退けられる呪術思考が、減量のようなストレスの多い状況に対処するのに助けになる可能性があるという:
[Magical thinking helps dieters cope with unrealistic expectations (2011/06/15) on e!Science News]

"Magical thinking occurs when an individual invokes mystical, supernatural forces to understand, predict, or even influence events to overcome these stressful situations," write authors Yannik St. James (HEC Montreal), Jay M. Handelman, and Shirley F. Taylor (both Queen's University, Kingston, Canada).

「ストレスの多い状況を克服するために、事態の理解と予測、さらにその事態に影響を及ぼすために、神秘気的で超自然な力を引き合いに出し、呪術思考を行う」と論文の著者であるYannik St. James (HEC Montreal), Jay M. Handelman, and Shirley F. Taylorは言う。

"Weight loss activities are stressful for a number of reasons: being overweight is associated with several negative health consequences as well as considerable social stigma," the authors write. "Consumers are expected to conform to unrealistic cultural ideals of slenderness and they are simultaneously enticed to indulge in abundant, highly caloric, processed food."


To cope with these conflicting pressures and expectations, consumers engage in various forms of magical thinking. They describe weight loss as being influenced by mysterious forces, such as a body that "conspires" against them or food that "seduces" them. They also hope that good deeds will be rewarded (like eating chips without consequences after eating cabbage soup all day) and resort to "magical solutions" like fad diets. Finally, they try to fool the scale by changing to lighter clothing or exercising before being weighed.


"By invoking and negotiating with mystical forces, consumers actively work to create uncertainty and ambiguity as a way to generate hope and possibility in a cultural domain where they otherwise experience very little," the authors write.


posted by Kumicit at 2011/06/16 08:48 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Others | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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