

Internet rumors about Elenin began spreading earlier this year. Its approach to Earth was blamed for shifting the Earth's axis by 3 degrees in February, precipitating the Chile earthquake, then shifting the pole even more to trigger the Japan quake in March. "Ignoring plate tectonics as the cause of earthquakes, they suggest that the comet exerted strong gravitational or electromagnetic effects on our planet," Morrison wrote. [David Morrison, a planetary astronomer at NASA Ames Research Center and senior scientist at the NASA Astrobiology Institute.]

今年(2011)早くから彗星Eleninについての噂がネットを拡散し始めていた。彗星Eleninの地球への接近により、2月に地軸を3度傾け、チリに地震を起こし、3月には日本の地震の引き金を引いたとされている。「地震の原因としてのプレートテクトニクスを無視して、彗星による地球への強い重力あるいは電磁力の影響を持ち出す」とNASA Ames Research Centerの惑星天文学者で、NASA Atrobiology Instituteの上級科学者であるDavid Morrisonは言う。

[Natalie Wolchover: "Believers In Mysterious Planet Nibiru Await Earth's End" (2011/07/05) on Life's Little Mysteries]

[Comet Elenin: Preview of a Coming Attraction (2011/05/04)on JPL/NASA ]

[WILL EARTHBOUND COMET FULFILL 2012 PROPHECY (2011/03/22) on DiscoveryNews]
When scientists pointed out that the comet is a mere 3-mile-wide glob of ice with no magnetic field and that it won't even pass very near Earth − and that plate tectonics, not comets, cause earthquakes − rumors began to circulate that NASA was withholding information about Elenin.

"Ironically, the inconspicuous nature of this comet plays into some of the conspiracy theories," Morrison pointed out. "For people who are convinced the comet did cause the earthquakes, this proves that Elenin is not a comet at all, but a much more massive, and dangerous, interloper." Conspiracy theorists began speculating that the comet is Nibiru in disguise − a planet or even an enormous brown dwarf star.



In fact, Elenin is a textbook comet; it has visible "coma," or nucleus, and a long tail made of vaporizing ice.

If it were a brown dwarf, "it would not have a coma or tail, because the gas cannot escape from an object with substantial gravity. In addition, if it were massive we would be seeing its gravitational influence on the orbits of the planets, especially Mars and Earth, but there is no change in these orbits," Morrison wrote. "Finally, if it were a brown dwarf it would have been easily detected in various previous astronomical surveys, including the recent WISE infrared mission, even when it was still in the outer solar system," he wrote.


[Natalie Wolchover: "Believers In Mysterious Planet Nibiru Await Earth's End" (2011/07/05) on Life's Little Mysteries]

[Brown Dwarf Comparison on NASA]

The fact that the comet isn't headed our way is overlooked by most conspiracy theorists, while others say its path is going to change. "[Some] websites suggest that the comet is accompanied by a giant UFO, which controls its orbit," Morrison told us; in effect, who cares if Elenin doesn't seem to be headed in our direction − it'll be steered here.


[Natalie Wolchover: "Believers In Mysterious Planet Nibiru Await Earth's End" (2011/07/05) on Life's Little Mysteries]
The Nibiru conspiracies are so nonsensical that Morrison wonders whether even their purveyors believe them. Because many websites sell Nibiru books, tapes and even "survival kits," Morrison thinks they are purposely taking advantage of people who aren't able to distinguish credible sources from crackpot ones. "This is especially a problem for young people, which is why I am so angry at those who target children," he said.


[Natalie Wolchover: "Believers In Mysterious Planet Nibiru Await Earth's End" (2011/07/05) on Life's Little Mysteries]

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