[Fabio Turone: "News -- Homoeopathy multinational Boiron threatens amateur Italian blogger", BMJ 2011; 343:d5197 (2011/08/12) ]これに対して、Samuele Rivaは今後の推移を英語で報告するページをポストしている:
A letter sent by the Italian arm of multinational company Boiron, threatening to sue an amateur blogger over remarks he made about homoeopathy, has sparked a strong internet reaction in defence of freedom of speech.
Samuele Riva posted two articles on his blog, blogzero.it , on 13 and 27 July, which included pictures of Boiron’s blockbuster homoeopathic product Oscillococcinum, marketed as a remedy against flu symptoms. The pictures were accompanied by captions, which joked about the total absence of any active molecules in homoeopathic preparations.
Samuele Rivaは自身のブログblogzero.itに2011年7月13日と27日に記事をポストした。それにはインフルエンザの症状に効くレメディとして販売されている主力製品Oscillococcinumの絵が載せられていた。絵には、ホメオパシー製品には有効成分の分子が存在しないことについてのジョークなキャプションがついていた。
On 28 July Boiron fired off a letter to the internet provider, complaining that both the articles and the captions were “untrue and derogatory both of homeopathy and [the] company,” and responsible for tarnishing the company’s reputation and causing “serious …
[Boiron vs Blogzero (English page) on Blog Zero]Boironの恫喝を受けて、Samuele Rivaは元記事から削除したものが....
Hi all!
As you can see, the whole blog is written in Italian…
If you’re interested in updates on the “Boiron – Blogzero” case, you can bookmark this page, I will update it in English.
Why Boiron is threatening me? What’s my big mistake?
I’ve written something about their (in)famous Oscillococcinum and the Korsakovian process, being a little bit ironic and using one “Oscillococcinum” image…
[Oscillococcinumについての1本目のエントリ(baidu cache)]のようである。残っているキャッシュによって違うので、これも恫喝後の修正かもしれないが「Boironのインフルエンザ治療薬の200C希釈には何も含まれていない」と書かれている。どうも、Boironは「中には何もありません」を気にしているようだ。
で、これについて、ブログScience Baed Medicineは次のような記事をポストした。
For example, Riva suggested that Boiron’s oscillococcinum has no active ingredient. Well, let’s see- the company lists the active ingredient in this product as “Anas barbariae hepatis et cordis extractum 200CK HPUS.” The “200C” means that the listed ingredient was diluted with a 1:100 dilution 200 times. Serial dilution is a funny thing – a 200c dilution is the equivalent of diluting 1ml of original ingredient into a volume of water that is the size of the known universe. This is far far beyond the point where there is any reasonable chance of there being even a single molecule of original ingredient left.非実在Oscillococcinumとは...
たとえば、Samuele RivaはBoironのoscillococcinumに有効成分が入っていないと書いた。同社はこの製品の有効成分を「Anas barbariae hepatis et cordis extractum 200CK HPUS」とリストしている。200Cは有効成分を1:100で200回希釈することを意味売る。希釈を繰り替えうのは変な話だ。200c希釈は1mlのオリジナルの有効成分を既知の宇宙の体積の水で希釈することに相当する。オリジナルの有効成分が一分子でも残る合理的可能性がまったく全然ない。
So Riva was completely justified (as have many other critics) in saying that Boiron’s 200c product has no active ingredient. In fact it is deceptive to list something that has been diluted 200C as an “active ingredient.”
したがって、Samuele RivaがBoironの200c製品に有効成分がないと言うのは(他の多くの批判とともに)まったく正しい。事実、有効成分として、200c希釈した何かを列挙するのは詐欺行為である。
Not that it matters in this case, because the original ingredient is a pseudoscience unto itself. .... oscillococcinum does not even exist – essentially Boiron takes fairy dust and then dilutes it out of (non)existence. The “anas barbariea hepatis” is basically duck liver, which is supposed to contain the most concentrated nonexistent oscillococcinum. It’s a pseudoscience trifecta.
オリジナルの有効成分自体が疑似科学なので、希釈が問題というわけではない。... oscillococcinumは存在すらしていない。Boironはフェアリーダストを取って、それが残らないくらいに希釈した。"anas barbariea hepatis"は基本的にはアヒルの肝臓であり、それは非実在oscillococcinumが最も濃縮されたものが含まれると考えられた。いわば、それは疑似科学の"四連勝単式勝馬投票法"だ。
[Homeopathic Thuggery (2011/08/17) on Science-Baed Medecine]
Oscillococcinum was discovered by Joseph Roy (1891-1978) [1], a French physician who was on military duty when the Spanish flu hit the world in 1917. He examined the blood of victims and found a strange microorganism: a bacterium that consisted of two unequal balls that performed a quick vibratory motion. Roy called them "oscillococci" and thought they could vary much in size. Sometimes they shrunk so much that he couldn't see them with his microscope. But they could also grow and get one or two more balls.もともと、Oscillococcinumは医師Joseph Royだけにいか見えない"何か"だった。
Oscillococcinumは、スペインインフルエンザが世界で流行した1917年当時、軍務についていたフランスの医師Joseph Roy[1891-1978]によって発見された[1]。彼はインフルエンザの犠牲者の血液を調べて、奇妙な微生物を発見した。それは高速な振動運動をする大きさの異なる二つの球体から構成される細菌だった。Royはこれを"oscillococci"と呼び、おれは大きさを変化させることができると考えた。ときには彼の顕微鏡で見えないくらいに小さくなる。ときには大きくなり、さらに1つ、あるいは2つ以上の球体を持つことがある。
Next Roy discovered these bacteria in the blood and the tumors of cancer patients, in syphilitic ulcers, in the tubercles of tuberculosis patients and in the pus of gonorrhea sufferers. Also people who had eczema, rheumatism, mumps, chickenpox and measles turned out to harbor this "universal germ."
It is not clear today what Roy saw through the eyepiece of his microscope. But one thing is certain: he did not see the causes of those diseases. Rheumatism, eczema, and most forms of cancer are not caused by microbes, and mumps and measles are caused by viruses, which can't be seen with an ordinary microscope. Moreover, no other bacteriologist has ever reported seeing Roy's special cocci again.
Roy thought he had made a new and thrilling discovery on the road to the cure for cancer. He even wrote a book about it. In his time, many people doubted the idea that every disease has its own cause (such as its own microbe). Such skeptics embraced Roy's discovery.
Roy thought immediately of a homeopathic application. ...
[1] Oscillococcinum, le joli grand canard. Science et Pseudo-sciences, Cahiers bimestriels de l'Association Française pour l'Information Scientifique, No 202, mars-avril 1993
[Jan Willem Nienhuys: "The True Story of Oscillococcinum" on homeowatch]
Doctor Roy writes: "The Ancients considered the liver as the seat of suffering, even more important than the heart, which is a very profound insight, because it is on the level of the liver that the pathological modifications of the blood happen, and also there the quality of the energy of our heart muscle changes in a durable manner."Oscillococcinumは希釈前から既にニセ医療だったようだ。
[Jan Willem Nienhuys: "The True Story of Oscillococcinum" on homeowatch]