まずは、インテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery InstituteのシニアフェローであるDavid Berlinskiが、反進化論本をめぐる論争での記述「The Vampire’s Heart」から:
no population geneticist would assume, ... that variance is a parameter that might remain unchanged for more than 360,000 generations, not least of all because it is well-known that changes in gene frequencies affect variance, often by linkage disequilibrium. The word variance might suggest as much, suggesting, as it does, something that varies.
続いて、BaryAと名乗る人物がUncommon Descentのコメント欄に書き込んだ発言で:
Who gave Karl Popper the authority to set the epistemological ground rules for all of the rest of us? I feel like the peasant in Monty Python’s Holy Grail. The peasant asks Arthur, “How did you get to be king? I didn’t vote for you.” Similarly I don’t recall voting to put science in a box marked “falsification line of demarcation – do not open.”
誰がKarl Popperに、我々すべてに対して認識論のグランドルールの設定する権限を与えたのか? 私はMonty Python's Holy Grailの百姓の気分だ。百姓はアーサーに「どうやって王になったんだ? あんたに投票した覚えはないぞ。」と言った。同様に、「反証の境界線 -- 開けるな!!」と書かれた箱を科学に置くことに投票した覚えはない。
I ask this question because the federal courts have literally given Popper’s philosophical musings the force of law in their Establishment Clause cases. In a democracy such as the one in which we live, shouldn’t there have been a vote on this?
Comment by BarryA — August 11, 2006 @ 3:07 pm
科学哲学の正しさは投票で決めるのだそうだ。で、このBarryAは、Dembskiと仲間たちのブログUncommon Descentの別のエントリで自己紹介していて:
My name is Barry Arrington. I am an attorney in Denver, Colorado specializing in complex litigation and constitutional law. My passion is defending constitutional liberties, especially those guaranteed by the First Amendment.
私は Barry Arringtonです。私はコロラド州デンバーで弁護士をしています。特に複雑な訴訟と憲法を専門としています。私は、特に憲法修正第1条によって保証される憲法上の自由を擁護に情熱を傾けています。
Filed under: Intelligent Design — BarryA @ 4:29 pm
そして、Prof. Steve Steve名義のエントリのargystokesのコメントから:
Comment #120291
Posted by argystokes on August 17, 2006 06:17 PM (e)
I’ll see your stupid and raise you 3 drools:
The very fact that the Darwinist side presented a stack of *58 books and articles* on the immune system, shows that it in fact has *no* “detailed testable answers to the question of how the immune system could have arisen by random mutation and natural selection.”
If it did, it would only have to read out *one page* in all those 58 books and articles where it is. That they didn’t, proves Behe’s claim that there is *no* such “detailed testable answer… to the question of how the immune system could have arisen by random mutation and natural selection.”