

International Astronomical Unionでの惑星定義の変更について、

  • 「自己重力で球体をとる・恒星でも衛星でもない・共通重心が惑星表面より外側」という条件にして、カロンやセレスを惑星に昇格させる
  • 「周辺で支配的な大きさ」を条件として、冥王星を降格する

2006年8月21日付のNew Sciecntistの記事「Planet definition to draw from rival proposals 」によれば:
Since an international group of astronomers proposed it unexpectedly on Friday, the second proposal has received a lot of support. In fact, Caltech's Mike Brown, who has discovered many objects that would be upgraded to planets under the first scheme, actually prefers the second.

天文学者の国際的グループの予想外の金曜日の提案以来、第2の提案は多くの支持を受けた。実際、最初の案では惑星に昇格する多くの天体を発見しているカリフォルニア工科大のMike Brownは第2案を支持している。


Originally, it looked like the two proposals might go head-to-head in a vote on Thursday. But the IAU's executive committee decided otherwise on Monday.


In an attempt to offer a compromise between the two options, the definition will instead be broken down into components drawn from both definitions. The vote's actual wording will not be released until Tuesday, says Owen Gingerich of Harvard University in Massachusetts, US.

2つのオプションの間の妥協を提供しようとして、定義はその代わりに、両方の定義から得られる構成要素に分類される。投票の実際の言い回しは火曜日まで公表されないと、マHarvard UniversityのOwen Gingerichは語った。

2006年8月22日付のNew Sciecntistの記事「Astronomers lean toward eight planets」によれば:
Finally, astronomers could be homing in on a definition of the word planet. After a day of public bickering in Prague, followed by negotiation behind closed doors, the latest draft resolution was greeted with a broadly friendly reception.

If accepted on Thursday, it would be bad news for Pluto, which would no longer be a full-fledged planet.

The crucial change in "draft c" is that a planet must be the dominant body in its orbital zone, clearing out any little neighbours. Pluto does not qualify because its orbit crosses that of the vastly larger Neptune.


posted by Kumicit at 2006/08/23 04:59 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Others | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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