「Pope appoints Argentine Jesuit to head Vatican Observatory」によれば。インテリジェントデザイン批判で有名なバチカン観測所長Coyne神父が所長を退任する:
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Argentine Jesuit Father Jose Funes, 43, to be the new director of the Vatican Observatory.
The astronomer, an expert on disk galaxies, has served as a staff astronomer at the Vatican Observatory since 2000.
Father Funes succeeds U.S. Jesuit Father George V. Coyne, 73, who had served as director since 1978.
教皇ベネディクト16世はバチカン観測所の新所長にアルゼンチンのJose Funes神父43歳を指名した。
Jose Funes神父は、1978年から所長をつとめていたGeorge V. Coyne神父72歳の後任である。
Father Funes, the new director, was born in Cordoba, Argentina, in 1963 and earned a master's degree in astronomy from the National University of Cordoba in 1985.
He entered the Society of Jesus the same year, earning a degree in philosophy in Argentina before being sent to Rome for theological studies. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1995.
新所長であるFunes神父は1963年にアリゼンチンのコルドバ生まれ、1985年にNational University of Cordobaで天文学の修士を取得。同年、Society of Jesusに入り、アルゼンチンで哲学の学位を取得し、Rome for theological studiesへ派遣。1995年に聖職を得た。
Father Coyne was on vacation and could not be reached for comment. However, Father James Bowes, superior of the Jesuit community in Tucson, said Father Coyne would remain on the observatory staff.
In a memo on the Tucson diocesan Web site Aug. 21, Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas said that Father Coyne was beginning a year's sabbatical.
Coyne神父は休暇中でコメントが得られなかったが、TucsonのJesuit communityのJames Bowes神父によれば、Coyne神父は観測所スタッフにはとどまる。
2006年8月21日付のTucson diocesan web siteのメモによれば、Gerald F. Kicanas司教が、Coyne神父は1年間のサバティカルに入ると言った。