

Faster than Light, Breaking Laws of PhysicsとかDimension-hop may allow neutrinos to cheat light speedとか、あっちでもこっちでも盛り上がっている超光速ニュートリノについて、相ま系ではなくホメオパシー支持者が絡んできた。
[GaiaHealth: "Subnuclear Particles May Move Faster Than Light. Who Says Homeopathy Can’t Work?" (2011/09/23) on Gaia-Health via [@SLSingh]

This is, of course, fascinating. But what does it say about the basic assumptions of those who cite impossibility as the reason that homeopathy cannot work? Clearly, the nature of reality is not perfectly known−and equally clearly, the presumption that homeopathy doesn’t work because it can’t work is a deluded self-referent argument.


After stating that homeopathy doesn’t work because it can’t, the rest of the arguments fall into line. They simply state, ad nauseam, that it has never been proven to work, that research that does show it works never happened or was deeply flawed, that research has shown that it doesn’t work, that its effects can be explained as placebo, that it hasn’t been through the rigors of double blind placebo controlled studies, that it can’t work because there is no active ingredient, and finally, that it can’t work because homeopaths cannot explain how it works.


Just as the results from Gran Sasso must be taken seriously and investigated, so must homeopathy. The evidence that it works exists, and denial does not refute its existence.

Gran Sassoの結果を真剣に取り上げ調査しなければならないのと同様に、ホメオパシーについてもそうしなければならない。効くという証拠はあり、否定論は証拠の存在を論破できない。

ウェゲナーの大陸移動やゼンメルワイスの産褥熱予防などと同様にGalileo Fallacyの変種な主張をするホメオシー支持者である。

ちなみに、同じような反応をしそうなインテリジェントデザイン支持者たちだが、実際そうでもなかった。インテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William Dembskiと仲間たちのブログのネタふりだけしたエントリに、こんなコメントが付いていた。
[AMC September 22, 2011 at 5:38 pm]

I came on this site this morning to see whether this report was mentioned. Reading it in an online newspaper immediately raised a question in my mind…

I am listening to an audible book of Dembski’s Design Revolution. In a previous chapter he has defined something he calls (something like) the Universal Probability Bound, which is calculated by reference to number of particles in the universe, age of the universe and some other factors. From memory (although I could be wrong), one of the factors was the idea that nothing travels faster than the speed of light. While his is a very conservative estimate, if I am right in recalling a premise is that ‘nothing travels faster than the speed of light’, could the universe have more ‘probability resources’ than he calculates on the basis of this research?


私はDembskiの"Design Revolution"のオーディオブックを聞いている。前の章でDembskiは"Universal Probability Bound"と呼ぶ何かを定義していた。それは宇宙にある粒子の数や宇宙の年齢とその他の要素を参照して計算したものだ。私が覚えている限りでは、そのひとつは何も光速を超えられないというものだった。Dembskiは非常に保守的に計算しているが、それが何も光速を超えて運動しないという命題を参照した結果だとするなら、その前提で計算した結果よりも、宇宙は"probability resources"を多く持っている可能性がある。

タグ:Quackery id理論
posted by Kumicit at 2011/09/24 01:16 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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