これに対して、Southern Baptist Convention(南部バプテスト協議会)[wiki]などは新たなる対抗策へと動き始めている。Boston Heraldが掲載した2006年9月2日付のAssociated Press配信記事「Evangelicals intensify calls for parents to pull kids from public schools(
NEW YORK - Public schools take a lot of criticism, but a growing, loosely organized movement is now moving from harsh words to action - with parents taking their own children out of public schools and exhorting other families to do the same.
Led mainly by evangelical Christians, the movement depicts public education as hostile to religious faith and claims to be behind a surge in the number of students being schooled at home.
"Homeschoolers avoid harmful school environments where God is mocked, where destructive peer influence is the norm, where drugs, alcohol, promiscuity and homosexuality are promoted", says the California-based Considering Homeschooling Ministry.
カリフォルニアに拠点をおくConsidering Homeschooling Ministryは「ホームスクーラーは、神があざけられ、同級生の破滅的な影響が基準であり、ドラッグとアルコールと混乱と同性愛が促進される有害な学校環境を避けているのだ。」と言っている。
Though the movement's rhetoric strikes public school supporters as extreme, some of its leaders are influential. They include R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, who last year said the denomination needed an “exit strategy” from public schools, and the Rev. D. James Kennedy, pastor of 10,000-member Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. and host of a nationally broadcast religious program.
運動のレトリックは公立学校の支持者たち極端に攻撃しているが、リーダーたちには影響力の大きな者たちもいる。それにはSouthern Baptist Theological Seminaryの長であるD. Albert Mohler Jr.も含まれる。彼は昨年、宗派が公立学校からの出口戦略が必要だと言った。また、フロリダのFort Lauderdaleにある1万人の信者を持つCoral Ridge Presbyterian Church牧師で、全米向け宗教番組のホストでもあるD. James Kennedy師も含まれる。
"The infusion of an atheistic, amoral, evolutionary, socialistic, one-world, anti-American system of education in our public schools has indeed become such that if it had been done by an enemy, it would be considered an act of war", Kennedy said in a recent commentary.
Mohler, the Southern Baptist seminary president, says court rulings and government mandates have sharply limited the ability of parents and local school boards to control public education.
It's become a "new normal" for younger parents to consider alternatives, he said. "It's a very different assumption from their parents' generation."
Southern Baptist seminaryの長であるMohlerは「判決と政府による義務付けは、公教育に対する両親と地元教育委員会の権限を非常に制限した。若い親たちが代替措置を考えるのは新たな標準となっている。これは彼らの親の世代とは大きく異なる仮定である」と言った。
The latest federal figures, from 2005, show their total K-12 enrollment at 48.4 million, compared to 6.3 million in private schools - most of them religious.
However, the National Center for Education Statistics said private school enrollment has grown at a faster rate than public schools since 1989, and it expects that trend to continue through 2014. Moreover, the private school figures don’t include the growing ranks of homeschoolers - there were at least 1.1 million of them in 2003, according to federal figures, and perhaps more than 2 million now, according to homeschool advocates.
しかし、National Center for Education Statisticsは、私立学校登録者数が1989年以降は、公立学校よりも速く増加していると言っている。そして、その傾向は2014年まで続くと予想している。また私立学校の数字はホームスクーラーの増大する集団を含まない。連邦の数値によれば、2003年では少なくとも110万であり、ホームスクール支持者によれば、おそらく今では200万を超えている。
キリスト教系学校向け生物の教科書はこんなもの (1) (2007/09/21)
キリスト教系学校向け生物の教科書はこんなもの (2) (2007/10/01)