

Dr. Christopher Busby関連調査中...

ここまでで、まとまった収入は見当たらない。Dr. Christopher Busbyが自ら公開している経歴にはJoseph Rowntree Charitable Trustから研究助成金がある。
[Dr C Busby Curriculum Vitae -- CURRICULUM VITAE (August 2010) on LLRC]

2002 Funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust to write a new book on the epidemiological evidence of health consequences of exposure to ionizing radiation: 'Wolves of Water'
2003 Funded by Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust to write Book Wolves of Water Cancer and the Environment
2005 3 year research funding by Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust; Corporate Responsibility in Science and Policy
2008 3-year research funding from The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust; Corporative Responsibility in Science
2008年についてはJoseph Rowntree Charitable Trustのサイトに情報があった。
[Grant Database on Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust ]

Grant Search Results

Your search for all grants awarded to Green Audit between June 2000 and the present under all programmes returned the following results. Please be aware that a red programme name indicates that the programme is no longer running.

Organisation Programme Amount Awarded Period

Green Audit Power and Responsibility £74,650 Mar 2008 36 months

一方、Dr. Christopher BusbyのGreen Auditには本人以外に4人いる。
  • Dr Paul Dorfman
    University of WarwickのResearch Associateでもあるので、Green Auditは副業と思われるので、とりあえずタダでもいいかも。
  • Richard Bramhall
    LLRCのRichard Bramhallと同じ人なのかは不明。同じ人ならご隠居なのでタダでもいいかも。
  • Mireille de Messieres
  • Saoirse Morgan
Dr. Christopher Busby自身の人件費や活動資金を考えれば、それなりに、"Expert Witness"などのサービスが売れてる必要がありそう。
posted by Kumicit at 2011/10/27 21:25 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Others | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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