

[Nick Pisa: "Parents face inquiry for treating son with alternative medicine" (2011/10/23) on The Telegraph]

Luca Monsellato was taken to hospital with a high fever and cold symptoms but failed to respond to emergency medical treatment and died.

His parents, Marcello and Giovanna Pantaleo, told doctors they had been treating his apparent three-week cold with fennel tea – a popular homeopathic remedy for coughs – in an attempt to keep his fever under control. They eventually took him to hospital when his condition worsened.

Staff at the hospital described Luca as looking "pale, thin and breathless".

Mr Monsellato, 52, of the southern Italian town of Tricase, close to Lecce, has been a doctor of alternative medicine for more than 20 years. He is honorary president of Italy's Homeopathic Sinergy Association and an expert on acupuncture.

He told staff at the hospital how his son had been suffering from the effects of a cold for three weeks and they had given him fennel tea instead of other medical treatment.

Luca Monsellatoは高熱と風邪の症状で病院に運ばれたが、救急医療に間に合わず、死亡した。

彼の両親Marcello MonsellatoとGiovanna Pantaleo夫妻は、医師に対して、風邪を治療しようとして、3週間にわたり、人気のホメオパシーレメディである、fennel teaで治療していたと述べた。そして、Lucaの容体が悪化したため、病院に連れて行った。


Lecceに近い南イタリアの町TricaseのMarcello Monsellato (52歳)は20年にわたり代替医療の医師をしてきた。彼はItaly's Homeopathic Sinergy Association(イタリアホメオパシーシナジー協会)の名誉会長であり、鍼治療の専門家である。

[Lucaの父親である]Marcello Monsellatoは病院のスタッフに、息子が風邪の症状に3週間にわたって苦しみ、他の医薬ではなく、fennel teaを与えていたと述べた。

Prosecutor Alberto Santacatterina said: "A manslaughter investigation has been opened against the parents of little Luca. We are looking into the events that surrounded his death and whether they were responsible by not giving him proper medical treatment when he was ill."
An autopsy performed by forensic pathologist Alberto Tortorella ruled that Luca had died from natural causes but police said they were still investigating his parents actions.

Alberto Santacatterina検察官は「Lucaの両親に対する過失致死での捜査を始めている。我々は、Lucaの死めぐる出来事および、Lucaが病気のときに適切な治療を与えなかったことが死因であるのかを調べている」と述べた。
法医学者Alberto Tortorellaによる剖検では、Lucaの死は自然死だと判定されているが、警察は調査を続行すると述べている。


Lucaの死因はこのfennel teaではないと見られているが、3週間にわたり通常医療を忌避したことは過失致死とみなされるかもしれない。
posted by Kumicit at 2011/10/30 10:50 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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