
「インテリジェントデザインも教えろ」なMichele Bachmann

毎度恒例の共和党大統領予備選候補たちの「創造論も教えるべき」発言。昨日(2011/11/30)は、ミネソタ州選出連邦下院議員Michele Backmannから...
At an education forum at the University of Northern Iowa this afternoon, GOP presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said she favored the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in schools, saying that just teaching the science of evolution would be “censorship by government.” Asked by a Catholic student why it’s not a violation of the separation of church and state for a public school to teach the religiously-tinged theories, Bachmann said evolution is just a “theory” that even “evolutionists” are not sure of:

今日午後(2011/11/30)、University of Northern Iowaの教育フォーラムで共和党の有望な大統領候補であるミネソタ州選出共和党Michele Bachmann連邦下院議員は、進化論の科学のみを教えるのは政府による検閲だと述べて、学校でインテリジェントデザインや創造論を教える方がいいという見解を表明した。カトリックの学生に、宗教的色合いのある理論を公立学校で教えることが政教分離原則に違反しない理由を問われて、Bachmann議員は、進化論は進化論者も確信していない理論に過ぎないからだと述べた。
BACHMANN: I think what you’re advocating for is censorship on the part of government. So the government would prohibit intelligent design from even the possibility of being taught in questioning the issue of evolution. And if you look at scientists there is not a unanimity of agreement on the origins of life. … Why would we forstall any particular theory? Becuase I don’t think that even evolutionists, by and large, would say that this is proven fact. They say that this is a theory, as well as intelligent design. So I think the best thing to do is to let all scientific facts on the table, and let students decide.


[Alex Seitz-Wald: "Bachmann: Teaching Only Evolution Is ‘Censorship’" (2011/11/30) on ThinkProgress]


==>言い訳するMike HuckabeeとヘタレなTom Tancredo (2007/05/18)
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