では、「"ここ"がシミュレーションである」という主張は証明可能かというと、このSimulation Argumentの主唱者であるOxford UniversityのNick Bostromによれば:
9. Isn’t the simulation-hypothesis untestable?[The Simulation Argument FAQ]これは多分、事実上無理な相談。
There are clearly possible observations that would show that we are in a simulation. For example, the simulators could make a “window” pop up in front of you with the text “YOU ARE LIVING IN A COMPUTER SIMULATION. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.” Or they could uplift you into their level of reality.
なので、Nick Bostromは次に
We could also obtain strong indirect evidence, such as one day observing that we ourselves have created the appropriate kind of computer simulations. If we were to learn more about the probability of survival for human-like species, that could also be relevant information. For instance, if we learnt that the existential risks we will be confronting are so large that we should expect practically every advanced civilization to succumb to them, that would reduce the probability of the simulation-hypothesis. One can think of a large number of other possible pieces of observational evidence, as well as more indirect theoretical results, that would either increase or decrease the probability of the hypothesis. So in this sense, the simulation-hypothesis is clearly testable.人類がシミュレーション世界を創造するに至るまに滅亡すると確信できるなら、"ここ"はシミュレーションではないと言えるというもの。これはSumulation Argumentの論の基本。シミュレーション世界が創れるなら、シミュレーションの中の住人の方が、基底的現実の住人より圧倒的に多くなる。コペルニクス原理に従って、我々が多数派であるとするなら、我々はシミュレーションの中にいる。これを否定する場合は、人類に先行する文明があったとしても、シミュレーション世界を創れないことが示せればよいというもの。
The simulation-hypothesis is not testable in the sense that we have the practical capability to go out and perform an experiment that could conclusively refute the hypothesis. But most theoretical science is untestable in this sense, so this is not a very useful criterion for whether something is worth taking seriously.反証不可能だが、論として追求することは"あり"。