A bill passed last month by the Indiana Senate that would have allowed schools to teach religious stories of creation along with the theory of evolution when discussing the origins of life in science class is dead.
House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, moved the bill to the rules committee, a procedural step that all but assures it will not make it to a vote this year.
Bosma said he made the move to avoid the possibility of a costly lawsuit for the state, given the likelihood of a court challenge from evolution advocates.
“I felt, given the fact that we have a U.S. Supreme Court case that appears to me to be directly on point, that this is a fight that really should not be fought at this point,” he said.
“I didn’t disagree with the concept of the bill,” Bosma said. “But I hesitate to micromanage local curricula. Secondarily, I didn’t think it was prudent to buy a lawsuit the state could ill afford at this point.”
Indianapolis選出の共和党Brian Bosma州下院議長は、州法案を議事運営委員会に送った。これは、この州法案を今年は採決しないことにする手続きである。
[ Scott Elliott: "Indian’s creation science bill is dead" (2012/02/14) on Indiana Star Blog]
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==>Information about the Alabama "Evolution Warning Label" on Alabama Citizens for Science Education
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