
STS学者Steve Fullerは方法論的自然主義を拒否する

方法論的自然主義(Methodological Naturalism)とは「仮説の説明および検証は自然原因および自然現象によってのみ行われる」という「方法論」であり、科学の原則となっている。ここで「自然」とは「自然法則の逸脱たる超自然ではない」という意味である。

この方帆論的自然主義をめぐって、2005年の「インテリジェントデザインを公立学校の理科の授業で教えることは政教分離原則違反であると判決された」Kitzmiller v. Dover裁判で、STS学者Steve Fullerはインテリジェントデザイン側の専門家証言者として、「方法論的自然主義は科学の原則ではない」と発言した。
[Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District -- Trial transcript: Day 15 (October 24), PM Session, Part 1: Stephen Fuller cross-examination]
[Q: 原告(Kitzmiller)側弁護士 Witold Walczak, A: 被告側(Dover学区)専門家証人 Prof Stephen(Steve) Fuller]

Q. If you could turn to Page 175 of your deposition. I'm going to read your answer there starting on Line 23. You say, I'm not doubting that methodological naturalism has worked for science and that it's largely responsible for lots of science that we've got, maybe even most of that we've got. Did I read that correctly?

A. Yes. I said maybe.

Q. So intelligent design aspires to change this ground rule of science, this methodological naturalism?

A. Methodological naturalism is not a ground rule of science.

Q. A commitment to natural causation is a ground rule of science?

A. Well, actually, the ground rule of science is testability. Okay? I mean, so -- and that is metaphysically neutral.

Q. And how do you test the supernatural?

A. Well, that's an age-old question, but there have been paranormal experiments. And even when one was thinking about gravity as a potentially occult force, right, that was the big challenge of the experimental imagination, to figure out how can we measure something that seems to be kind of, you know, invisible, you know, kind of impalpable.

So this is, in fact -- this is, in fact, one of the prompts to develop very subtle kinds of experiments and get at things in indirect ways. So the idea that something is supernatural doesn't preclude it from any kind of experimental testing. It just makes it kind of tricky, and it often takes a long time to do it.


ここで、Prof. Steve Fullerは「超自然」を「自然法則の逸脱たる超自然」ではなく、「既知の物理法則の外側という意味では超自然だが、自然法則によって記述可能なもの」として語っている。

[Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District -- Trial transcript: Day 15 (October 24), PM Session, Part 1: Stephen Fuller cross-examination]
[Q: 原告(Kitzmiller)側弁護士 Witold Walczak, A: 被告側(Dover学区)専門家証人 Prof Stephen(Steve) Fuller]

Q. Well, how would you design a test to test for the intelligent designer, the affirmative test?

A. Well, I take it that -- and this refers to what I meant of the sense in which I meant changing the ground rules of science. I think this business of design -- a design detector, you know, the kind of -- the sort of filter argument that Dembski gives, because at the moment the design detector is used primarily as kind of a device for detecting fraud and things like that in artifacts, whereas, in fact, what I was thinking about when I said the remark about changing the ground rules of science was to actually say this kind of design detector thing could be expanded as a tool in science more generally. And that's the kind of thing that I had in mind. I didn't mean changing the ground rules of science in the sense of replacing our normal modes of testability with entirely new modes of testability.


Q. Well, but if you allowed intelligent design into science, you would lead to a different conception of science. Is that --

A. I think what is true is that the sciences would be reconfigured so that the notion of design would be taken as kind of a literal unifying concept, where design in the sense of organisms and in the sense of artifacts and in the sense of computers or whatever would be treated as design all in the same sense, which is not how they tend to be treated now. Biology is sort of studied as one subject and the study of artifacts and technology is something else.


Q. But it would change the conception of science?

A. Well, it would change the way -- yes, it would probably blur the distinction, for example, between life and nonlife more substantially. There would be a lot of implications, I think. But it wouldn't change testability. It wouldn't change the fundamental kind of methodological principles of science which are indifferent to the naturalism, supernatural distinction.

いささか、持って回った論争になっているが、超自然の検証方法として、Prof. Steve Fullerが提示したのは、インテリジェントデザインの基本道具のひとつである「Dembskiの説明フィルタ」である。

それは、つまりところ「自然法則でも偶然でも説明できないものはデザインである」という非常に明瞭な形の「God of the Gaps詭弁」であり、何も証明しない。Prof. Steve Fullerはそのような詭弁を許容する形に科学の概念を変えることを主張している。

しかし、これから少し後の証言で、"God of the Gaps詭弁"が何も検証したことにならないことを認めることになる。
[Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District -- Trial transcript: Day 15 (October 24), PM Session, Part : Stephen Fuller cross-examination]

Q. So in order for the irreducible complexity to be logically valid, one would have to assume that Behe has eliminated all rival hypotheses, not just one?

A. Of course, of course.

Q. And here, just because science hasn't provided a naturalistic explanation today doesn't mean that there aren't any naturalistic explanations?

A. Of course, that's all true. I mean --

Q. Right. And it doesn't mean that science isn't going to find some natural explanation tomorrow just because we don't know it today?

A. Of course. Who could disagree.
還元不可能な複雑さ」とは「もし、部品を一個でも取り除くとシステムの機能が失われるなら、そのシステムは還元不可能に複雑である。生物器官にある還元不可能な複雑さは、それがデザインされたことを示す」というものである。提唱者Prof. Michael Beheが例として挙げた器官は、挙げた時点で既に分解されていたり、その後に分解されたりして、「還元不可能」ではなかったことが示されてしまっている。

それはさておき、今日「分解できない=進化で説明できない」ことが「明日も分解できない=明日も進化で節目できないことを意味しない」ことにProf. Steve Fullerは同意している。すなわち、今日「還元不可能」であることは、デザインの証明にはならないことに同意している。

すなわち、Prof. Steve Fullerは科学のグランドルールの変更として持ち込んだ「デザイン検出器」が何も証明しないことを認めている。

ただ、そのまま認めてしまうと話が終ってしまうので、Prof Steve Fullerは「進化論で説明できない」以外の論拠があるという方向に話を変える。
[Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District -- Trial transcript: Day 15 (October 24), PM Session, Part : Stephen Fuller cross-examination]

Q. So you agree that the absence of naturalistic explanations is not a proper test to show the supernatural in biology?

A. No, in fact, there's a sense in which this whole debate is very wrong headed. I mean, in a sense, both should just be allowed to develop their research programs rather than to score premature knock-out punches in simple-minded fashion. And that goes for both sides again.


Q. And speaking of both, let's bring Mr. Dembski back into this.
両者について、Mr. Dembskiに話をもどしてください。

A. The other "both." Okay. Not Miller.

Q. So both Michael Behe and Professor Dembski have the same logical problem with their argument. Correct?
それでは。Michael BeheとProf. Dembskiの両者は同じ論理的問題を抱えているということですね?

A. Well, will you tell me what the problem is before I consent to it?

Q. Sure. The affirmative argument for design is simply a conclusory proposition that doesn't follow from their criticisms of evolution.

A. It is true that design is not entailed by criticisms in evolution, that is true. That's certainly true.

Q. So the leap to design is a conclusory proposition?

A. But, look, there is more to it than that. Right? I mean, it's not just that they -- they're not just presenting negative evidence, they're sort of showing what it is about the cell that appears to be designed, et cetera, et cetera, that provides a kind of prima facie positive story, as well. Okay?

I mean, but it is true that these guys define their position very much in opposition to the evolutionists. And I do -- yes, there's a sense in which it would be better if there was a little space between these two so they could develop their programs independently.


Q. But still, coming back, I mean, the assertion for design is really just a conclusory proposition?

A. No, there is more to it than the conclusions that are drawn on the basis of negative evidence about evolution.
「進化論で説明できない」かつ「それ以上のもの」が「デザイン」であるという主張で逃げ切ろうとするProf Steve Fullerだが、そもそも逃げたことになっていない。というのは「進化論で説明できない」とAND条件になっているから。

以上が「科学の原則たる方法論的自然主義」をめぐって、Dover裁判でインテリジェントデザイン側にたったSTS学者Steve Fullerの証言である。
posted by Kumicit at 2012/02/25 00:35 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | ID: General | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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